10-02-1939 HUCM96 Monthly Meeting October 2, 1939 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at the Light Plant office at 7 :00 P. M. All Members were present. Mr. R. W. Strohmeier, Superintendent was also present. The minutes of the meeting held September 5, 1939 were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded and carried that Public Liability and Property damage insurance be discontinued upon expiration of the present policy and that an amount equal to the premiums thereon be set aside in an insurance reserve fund. M, Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Commission proceed to elect offic iers for the following year. The follow- ing were unanamously elected. R. I. Sheppard, President A. Thompson, Vice President R. Dahl Fred W. Putney, Secretary The following bills were read and allowed3 Theo Filk Installations 160.00• Minn. Western R. R. Freight 980.85. Chase Brass & Copper Distribution Extension 29.48y Line Material Co. , Distribution Extension.._ _ 27.91 Kennec oft Wire & Cable Wire 199.72 , Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Repair 8.00, Duncan Electric Co. Meters 135-04- Minn. Western R. R. Freight 499.14• Sterling Electric Co. Supplies & Mdse. 54.64 - Weise & Kuhlman Installation 22.00 - Troy Laundry Laundry 1.70' Mpls. Laundry Rags 16.00, Walter Rippe Supplies 2.02 , comfort Products, Inc. Room Humidifier 18.04, Hutchinson Banner Advertising 8.00, Wallner Prntg. Co. Printing 39.25 R. I. Sheppard Misc. Expense 10.50. Western Union Telegrams 1.26 - J. P. Jensen Freight 19-73- Hutchinson lel. Co. Services 3.50, Nelsons Service Co. Gas & Qil 14.77• LaSalle Cleaners Cleaning uniforms 12-75- Woodward Governor Engine Maintenance 40.56 - Nehring Electrical Works Distr. Extension 52-02- J. P. Jensen Freight 6.27 - Waltts Texaco Sta. Supplies 2.28, Sterling Electric Co. Supplies 29.10, Williams Hardware Co. Supplies 6.74, 1 f '. 1 u 0, D Hutchinson Oil C onany Cooper - Petroleum Western Oil & Fuel Co. R. W. Strohmeier League of Minn. Municipalities Hutchinson Postma�s ter Hutchinson Water Dept . Loe Electric Service Harold R. Popp, Druggist Midwest Electric Company H. Channon Company Minn. Municipal Utilities Assn. Ben Jerabek GE Supply Corporation Jensen Printing Company Martin Weseloh Kirby Jacobson H. P. wade Radolek CCompany Stocking Brothers Ernest Kuester Leader Printing Company Henry Zumach Temple Lodge No. 59 Zila "ardware Citizens Bank, Hutchinson, Minn. Cooper - Petroleum Company Lub Oil, 25.18 Fuel Oil... 335.79 , Fuel Oil_ _ 657.01 Mist. Expense 11.32, Year Book 5.00. P os t ale 100.00 Water 31.45 Mdse. 19.70 Supplies 2.72, Fuees 9.04, Supplies 1.65 , Office Expense 13.31 Shop work 33.39• Distr. Extension 160.48• Decals 56.00, Tools 7.00, Advertising 5.00 Advertising 79.35, Switchboard 2.00 Installation 30.00, Shop work 2.75 Advertising 21.20, Freight 1.10 Rent of Temple 10-00, Hardware 6.67 Bond for Reserve Fund 1,001.46• Fuel Oil 673-87- There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ecretary Attest: residen M