08-07-1939 HUCM0 Monthly Meeting, August 79 1939 The regular monthly meeting; of the Light & Power Commission was held in the Light Plant office at 5 :00 P.M. All members were present. R. i. Strohmeier, Superintendent was also present. The minutes of the meeting held July 5, 1939 were read and approved as read. Mr. R. W. Strohmeier, Suptt. and F. IN. Putney, Sec'y. reported that thev had contacted Roy Madson on July 17, 1.939 and advised him according to instructions issued on July 5, 1939 by the Commission. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the follow - ing letter be sent to Mr. Lars Leifson, President of the McLeod Cooperative Power Association and that a copy of said letter be sent to each member of the executive committee and to each member of the Board of Directors of the McLeod Cooperative Power Association. McLeod Cooperative Power Association Glencoe Minnesota Attention: ''ir. Lars Leifson, President Dear Mr. Leifson: At various tirres durin7- the past year the matter of possible extensj. ^n of lour contract with us for the furnishing of energy to you has been the subject of verbal discussion with some of vrnir Board, Mr.. 147ers, and Mr. Ohland, but no attempt thus far has been made to take definite steps in the matter. Howe-7erI we now feel that it is necessary to soon determine whether or not such contract extension is desirable on your part and acceptable to the electroate of Hutchinson. Your present contract has until September of 1941 to run, a matter of ap- oroximately two ,years. Your project has grown at a very rapid rate and neither us nor yourselves, we believe, can accourately forecast the growth to be expected further than probably the present year. However, it is quite apparent that such growth will be sufficient to require additional power in our plant by the fall and winter peak of 1941, in order to assure the same quality and continuity of service you have received to the present time. Tt also seems highly probable that to assure such service it may be necessary to provide additional power by the peak season of 1940, this depending; to a great extent on the amount of new construction durinE- the next ,year. 91 To provide sufficient additional capacity, within sound and economical bounds, we must determine, with your Board and the R. E. A., as nearly as possible the probable ultimate number of customers on your lines for some time in the future, and also determine the expected increase in use by these customers, the present customers, and the City of Hutchinson. Plans must then be prepared covering the additional units indicated by these studies, a building addition to house them as well as future units indicated, re- arrangement of our entire fuel handl.i_ng and storage facilities, and rebuilding our entire raw water arrangement in order to secure sufficient cooling in hot weather. Estimate of the cost of such improvements must then be made and plans for financing. After all this is accomplished we then must, in accordance with reauirements of the City's Charter Amendment.under which we operate, siibnl t the proposition to the electorate and obtain approval of the majority before such extension can be made. It is the earnest desire of t?- is Commission, if the present contract is to be extended, to proceed on the lines indicated herein as promptly as possible, so as to be prepared to have additional capacity operative by the peak season of 1940 if necessary to maintain a high quality of service. To do so it is obvious that immediate steps be taken. On the contrary if it is the desire or intention of your organization to obtain energy from another source upon the expiration of the present contract, we gill, of course, drop all action in the matter since we have sufficient capacity for local apparent need for some considerable time after 1941 and for the sinr;le short time peak season of 1940 get along as best we can with power available. In view of the situation as outlined herein, we ask that you take official action in the matter during; the current month. Failing, to do so and to advise us by September 1, 1939 we will feel free to assume that extension of the contract is not contemplated, and we will govern ourselves accordingly. So that all members of your Board of Directors may be acquainted with the situation at as early a date as possible, and be familiar with our position prior to any meetings you may have, we are sending a copy of this letter to each member. RWS ; gf Very truly yours, LIGHT & POWER COMMIISSION BY R. I. Sheppard, Pres. 92 The following bills were read and allowed: W. E. Reyerson Harvey R. Schultz J. P. Jensen Henry Zumach wrank Adam Elec. Co. Hutchinson Banner B & N Chevrolet Co. Albert S. Allen H. P. Quade Hutchinson Postmaster Square Clothing Co. Line Material Company A. . Jorgenson Addressograph. Sales Duncan Electric ]Vlfg.Co. American Locomotive (�o. Citizens Bank Agency Clifford L. Betker Duco NW Corporation Ben D. Jerabek Ernest Fisher Sinclair Refining Co. Heilman Electric Co. Richard Berry L. I Arson Minn. Western R.R.Co. E. J. Feilman Hens Zumach Harriet Kiesier Sterling Electrle Co. A- Y.IvcDona ld PTfg. Co. Irine Materiel Company 'Nallner Pr .nti nq Co. Hutchinson Oil Company LaSalle Cleaners Hutch Telephone Company Hutchinson Banner Walter Rinne Christensen & Wegner Walt's Texaco Station Minn. Electrical Coiinci Felska & Demenge .Twin City Metal Products Diesel Power Williams Rardware Co. Wolff Motor Company Paramount Supplies E. J. Heilman Nordberg 1Afg. Co. M. J. Higgins Agency Ed. Churchill W. 0. Jahnke Henry Zumach Citizens Bank Hartwig; & Scrmi dt Addressograph Sales hge Legal Services Painting truck' Drei ght If Supplies Advertising Gas & Oil, truck .Plant Supplies Tnstallations Postage Linemen supplies Distribution Sunnli.es I ns ur an c e addressograph plates 1'veters Engine maintenance Nota;mr Seals, etc. Installation Paint Shop work Express Lub Oil Installations Return of Deposit Gar. Rent & Gas rrt. Installations Freight Clerical work Lamps Distr. Supplies Line materisl Pri nt ing Lub Oil Dry Cleaning Toll & Services Advertising Installations Installations Kerosene 1 Office Supnli.es rTasoline s Plant Supplies Subscription Plant Supplies Truck Repairs Supplies Installation Engine Yaintenance Ins iiranc e 'Recording deed. Insurance Frei-ht "R't T�onds & Interest Installation ncy Office Supplies d 29.50► 20.00 27.42• .55• 4.08' 5.00' 2.75' 27.50 82.957 16.53` 14.00' 11.46, 68.76• 1.01 104.64^ 45.28 12.92 15.00• 4.27• 24.80' -a& 24.74, 30.00 20.40 8.45 - 6.07, 22.18- -55- 4.00, 41-90' 4.23' 31,86' 6.50 - 52.26' 17.25• 4.1.5• 5.00• 12.44• 70.00• 1.30• 2.00• 23.40• 12.25. 5.00. 9.31. 4.55• 18.95• 15.00' .312.00' 117.26• 24.50. 25.38' .55 - 6,077.00 ' 12.00 1.06 Ll D 1 u 1 Roy Nadson Yartin V'Veseloh J. P. Jensen Leader Printing; Co Armerican Radiator Co CF Supply Corporation Duncan Elec . TUE. Co Allis- Chalmers Mfg. Co Chas.'Senescall 1 ike Holm Clothes ruined, cleaning tank Shop work r,reight Printing; Tools Switchboard supplies Tvieters Transformers International Truck Tax - exempt plates There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest; 3.00' 1.40• 1.44. 25.50 - 18.75, 30.82. 197.98- 905.81. 704.00• .70 it J