04-27-2001 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Friday, April 27, 2001 7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room Minutes Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag Jim Haugen Keith Fischer Duane Hoversten Tim Ulrich Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. 2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for March 30, 2001 Keith Fischer made a motion to approve the minutes. Duane Hoversten seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 3. One - Motion Agenda Bob Windel made a motion to approve the One - Motion Agenda. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 4. Executive Director Update Christie provided an update of the projects she has been working on over the past month. Projects include the following: • Attended Southwest Minnesota Foundation Luncheon • Finished RFP for the downtown revitalization master plan • Hutchinson Downtown Association (HDA) committee meetings • Working on mission and vision statements for HDA • Draft five -year budget for HDA • Small business appreciation week (May 6 -12) • Letter to legislative contingency regarding Hutchinson post office • Facilitating sale of EDA property to American Energy Systems • Final copy of downtown loan and grant brochure to designer • Minutes, meeting announcements and board packets for EDA and HAD • Research business incubator projects in Mankato and Owatonna 5. Industrial Park Developments American Energy Systems — The board reviewed the purchase agreement. Jim Haugen noted there was an error in the legal description. Keith asked about the 30 -foot easement for Hillyard. Jim asked whether the EDA needed to have the 10 -foot perimeter utility easement running through the middle of the property vacated. Christie said she would check with Julie. She also said she would ask Marilyn at McLeod Title to make the correction on the legal description. Christie also mentioned that she gave Leonard Miller 60 -days notice to remove his property from the barn and other outbuildings. She will call Ron McGraw and have him follow up with Mr. Miller. The closing for AES is May 1, at 10:00 a.m. Tim Ulrich is unable to attend the closing, because he will be out of town. Bob Windel made a motion to authorize Christie to sign documents at the closing. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. The motion passed. BI Phase Technology — Christie updated the board on a conversation she had with Larry Lautt yesterday. Christie called Mr. Lautt to find out whether they had made any decisions regarding the new location for BI Phase Technology. Mr. Lautt said there has been no decision made at this point. He did say that Hutchinson is "pretty high" on their list. Granite Falls is no longer under consideration. He indicated that Hutchinson's presentation was outstanding. He was very pleased with the professionalism of the Hutchinson team. Mr. Lautt suggested they would make a final decision in the next two weeks. Industrial park land acquisition — Ron McGraw secured a 90 -day option on 20 acres of Marvin Hackbarth's property. The purchase price of the property would be $18,000. Jim Robinson is working on an appraisal of the property. In addition, at the Finance Team meeting on April 17, Ken Merrill suggested that the EDA might want to go through with the acquisition regardless of whether BI Phase selected Hutchinson. There was discussion about how the EDA would finance such a purchase. Ken encouraged the EDA to submit a request to the city's capital improvement plan for land acquisition dollars. 6. Consideration of application to the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program There was one application to the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program. Janet Valen at REMAX Realtors is seeking a loan for a new roof, general remodeling improvements to the interior of the building, as well as additional exterior work to her storefront. Ms. Valen provided bids Dave Skoog Construction, Anderson's Decorating Center, Centimark, and Dean Bemis. She is seeking a loan of $43,187.92. Two members of the Finance Team reviewed Ms. Valen's loan application. They are requesting the Ms. Valen provide some additional information including a copy of her most recent property tax statement and a copy of her contract for deed agreement with Frank Fay. The subcommittee is concerned about the loan to value ratio. Ms. Valen had not submitted the information as of yesterday. Keith Fischer made a motion to approve the loan to Janet Valen pending a recommendation from the Finance Team subcommittee. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 2 7. Consideration of application to the Sign and Awning Grant Program There were two applications to the Sign and Awning Grant Program. Janet Valen at REMAX Realtors is seeking a Sign and Awning Grant for $2,000 for new awnings on the front and rear of her building. She provided a bid from G. & J. Awning and Canvas. Jeff Haag made a motion to approve the grant to Janet Valen. Duane Hoversten seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. The Chamber of Commerce is seeking a Sign and Awning Grant for $550.00 to repaint an existing sign and two move two signs to their new location on Main Street. Vi Mayer provided a bid from the Sign Shop. Bob Windel made a motion to approve the grant to the Chamber of Commerce. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 8. Consideration of application to the Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant Program There was one application to the Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant Program Janet Valen at REMAX Realtors is seeking a Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant for $5,000 to make improvements to her storefront. Ms. Valen provided a bid from Dave Skoog Construction. Jeff Haag made a motion to approve the matching grant to Janet Valen. Jim Haguen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 9. Chamber report Vi Mayer gave an update of the following Chamber activities: • Dairy Days — June 8 • Lunch with the Governor • Quality Council • Jefferson Bus Line — waiting for $50,000 DOT subsidy • Arts and Crafts Festival — full, 11 crafters on the waiting list • Office relocation — moving next to Realty Plus (2 year lease) 10. New business Keith Fischer announced that he is no longer working for First Minnesota Bank. He has taken a job with Marquette Bank as a commercial lender. Jeff Haag announced that he and Tom Daggett signed a purchase agreement for the Hutchinson Hotel. The closing is July 1, 2001. He indicated they would like to work with the Southwest Minnesota Foundation, the Hutchinson Leader and the Chamber of Commerce on a condominium arrangement. Jeff also announced that the Southwest Minnesota Foundation is hosting a special event and news conference on Wednesday, May 16, at 12:15 p.m. at the Victorian Inn to make a special announcement regarding funding from the McKnight Foundation. Tim announced that he is retiring from the Southwest Minnesota Foundation Business Finance Committee. Randy Thompson invited Christie to take his place. Christie will be attending the May meeting in Hutchinson. 11. Next meeting The next meeting is May 25, 2001 12. Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Jim Haugen, Secretary /Treasurer 11