04-03-1939 HUCMJ Monthly Meeting April 3, 1939 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held in the Light Plant Building at 5;00 otclock p. m. . All members were present. R. W. Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meeting held March 6, 1939 were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and allowed: Lloyd J. Mackedanz James Moran Ross L. Heilman Walter Bacon J. I. Holcomb Co. r$. I. Sheppard George Jacobson Pink Supply Company J. P. Jensen A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Sterling; Electric Co. Hutchinson Oil Co. Leif Larson Bacharach Industrial Co. Henry Zumach Christensen & Wegner Citizens, Agency Harry R. Jensen, Tress. Harry R. Jensen, Treas. 0. D. Miller W. E. Kleinheinz Hutch. Water Dept. Hutchinson Banner Hutch. Telephone Co. J. F. Riesberg Kennedy l s LaSalle Cleaners Walter Rippe Wallner Printing Co. Sterling Electric Co. $ddressograph Sales Agency H. P. auade Hutch. C & C Association Hutchinson Laundry Farm Service Store F. J. Zila & Sons American Air Filter Co. Kerr Oil Company H &ilman Electric Co. Extra work 5.60• Extra work 7.35• Extra work 21.60 Extra work 22.05• Plant supplies 11.25 Convention expenses 10.50 - Advertising 3.00 Plant Supplies 15015• Freight 1.01• Equipment 4.47• Supplies 2.05• Lub Oil 125.25• Garage Rent 10.00• Tools 8.59• Freight •55' Installations 60.00 - Insurance 20.95' Int.Series "B" Bonds 455.00• Int. Pledge Orders 1470.00. Installation 10.00. Gas & Oil- trucks 19.42' Water Rent 22.00• Advertising 5.00' Rent & Toll charge 7.35± Supplies 13.13• Uniforms 75.50• Dry Cleaning 6.00• Installations 13.00• Printing 24.95 Supplies 42.03 - Supplies 1.42• Installatione 80.00• Advbrtisng 5.00• Laundry 1.10• Salt 2.55. Supplies 7.65• Supplies 15.00' Gasoline 10.08. Advertising 30.00, .9 n- 82 Loe Electric Service Nehring Electrical Co. Minn. Western R. R. Western Oil & Fuel The Hilliard Corp. Nels Simonson Lbr. Co. Installations 10.00• Wire 134.83• Fuel oil freight 1948.77 Fuel Oil 1337.94• Oil Filters 1509.06• Supplies 12.22 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. c�- -- -P/, - Secret Attests n 1