01-28-2000 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Friday, January 28, 2000 7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Jim Haugen Tim Ulrich Minutes Bob Windel Don Erickson Sheldon Nies Jeff Haag Keith Fischer Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce City Staff: Gary Plotz HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:10 a.m. 2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for October 29, 1999 A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve the minutes. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 3. One - Motion Agenda A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve the one - motion agenda. Sheldon Nies seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 4. Executive Director /Board President Update Christie Rock and Tim Ulrich provided the Board with an update of HCDC of the past few months. TH 22 /TH 7 East Land Use Plan - Christie indicated that the TH 22 /TH 7 East Comprehensive Land Use Plan is now complete. It was presented to and approved by the Joint Planning Board earlier in January. It will be presented to the McLeod County Board in February. Concerns centered on the difference between a zoning ordinance and a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is meant to be a guide. A tool for city and county officials to use when making land use decisions. The zoning ordinance is a legal and binding document. At this time, there are no plans to rezone the land in the study area. Tim Ulrich indicated that there was a good amount of support for the plan, primarily because property owners had the opportunity to participate in decision making through several open houses. Post Office Relocation/Expansion Project — Officials from the United States Postal Service held a public meeting following the City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 25 to discuss plans to relocate or expand their existing facilities in Hutchinson. Officials provided the public with a time frame for the project; described the size of the facility needed; indicated a boundary where they would like to keep the facility located; and defined the budget for the project. Comments from the public indicate that the Post Office should look for a location in the downtown area. The public will be invited to suggest possible sites in March. Hillyard Relocation — Christie and Jeff Haag provided the group with an update on the possible relocation of Hillyard to the Hutchinson Industrial Park. Hillyard is interested in purchasing the northern most portion of the Miller /McGraw property. Hillyard would pay the appraised value of the land. This is an important revenue generator for the HCDC. The money could be used to help expand the industrial park through the purchase of other property. In order for Hillyard to purchase a small portion of the property, a lot -split is necessary. The Planning Commission will review this request on February 15. Because the Industrial Park Task Force had been considering the Miller /McGraw property as the potential location of an upscale business park, a meeting will be held on February 10 to allow them to review the plan and make a recommendation for approval. Keep in mind, the southern parcel, perhaps the most marketable, is still available for the business park concept. The Finance Team recommended approval of this project at its January meeting. There is still some question as to how deferred assessments and interest on the property will be repaid to the city. The appraisal is based on the premise that the seller will pay the assessments. Christie will work with Ken Merrill and John Rodeberg to determine a fair arrangement for repayment. A motion was made by Sheldon Nies to sell the northern most parcel of the Miller /McGraw property to Hillyard and to proceed with a purchase agreement pending approval by the Industrial Park Task Force. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. The motion passed. 5. Review /Discuss 1999 HCDC Annual Meeting Christie and Tim invited the group to comment on the annual meeting held in November. Board Members agreed that the location was good and the speaker was interesting. 6. Review Board Appointments to HCDC Meeting Bob Windel — Marketing Team and Industrial Park Task Force Jim Haugen — Downtown Task Force and Industrial Park Force Keith Fischer — Finance Team Tim Ulrich — Finance Team Don Walser — Finance Team Duane Hoversten — Marketing Team Jeff Haag — Marketing Team Sheldon Nies — will remain an at -large member Transportation Committee 7. Community Center /Convention Center Project Gary Plotz updated the Board on the city's position on the project. Vi Mayer also provided some background information. He indicated that the Governor is recommending the $1 million be cut from the bonding bill unless significant progress toward implementing a project is shown. Vi has had conversations with Steve Dille and Bob Ness, as well as Dean Barkley. A public hearing will be held on February 22 during the City Council meeting. Organizations and developers interested in the $1 million will present their ideas and concepts. The goal at this point is to save the money. The Board decided as a group not to become involved in the project at this time. 8. New Business There is no new business at this time. 9. Chamber Report Vi Mayer highlighted the following: Chamber Banquet Chamber Leadership Conference • Historic Hutchinson • Blandin Leadership CVB Director — full -time position 10. Next Meeting The Board will meet on Friday, March 3 11. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Jim Haugen — Secretary /Treasurer