07-23-1999 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Friday, July 23, 1999 7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room Minutes Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag Jim Haugen Don Erickson Tim Ulrich Sheldon Nies Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:05 a.m. 2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for June 18, 1999. Bob Windel made a motion to approve the minutes for June 18, 1999. Sheldon Nies seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 3. One — Motion Agenda Sheldon Nies made a motion to approve the one - motion agenda. Don Erickson seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 4. Administrative and Program a. Staff Update - Christie Rock provided an update of the activities she has been working on over the past month. She highlighted meetings, ongoing projects, and long -term projects. Christie highlighted several task force /team meetings, including the Downtown Task Force, the Industrial Park Task Force, and the Finance Team. The Downtown Task Force continues to work on the pedestrian level lighting project, the Industrial Park Task Force is discussing the Miller /McGraw 9 acres, and the Finance Team is working on preparing a three -year budget. b. Update on sale of DAV property to Richard McClure — Mr. McClure has agreed to the conditions established by the HCDC at the last Board meeting. Christie has spoken to City Attorney Marc Sabora who will draw up the paperwork to make the agreement legal and binding. c. Highway 22 Bypass Corridor Study — Christie is working in partnership with Zoning and Planning Director Julie Wischnack, and McCleod County staff to prepare a corridor study of the new Highway 22 bypass. The study is being conducted in an effort to accomplish the following objectives: • Identify landowners along the corridor; • Recommend appropriate and more definitive land uses than those outlined in the City's Comprehensive Plan; • Determine the potential environmental impact of development; • Discuss and consider an orderly annexation policy; • Determine the need and availability of infrastructure; and • Review access management guidelines. The Board agrees the study is a good idea. Tim Ulrich expressed a concern about placing a moratorium on development. Christie explained that if development continues before the study is completed, the results are essentially useless. d. Miller /McGraw 9 acres — Christie provided an update on the discussion that took place during the Industrial Task Force meeting. Unfortunately, different people have different recollections and thoughts about what the intended uses were for the property. Christie explained that she would look for the appraisal and the proposal that was distributed to various newspapers and publications. e. Web site — Christie updated the group on the status of the HCDC web site. She provided the new address and indicated it should be up and running within the next month. Christie also indicated that she plans to work with both the HRA and the City on establishing web sites. 5. Other Items a. Bauerly /Bremix Relocation — Bauerly has applied for a conditional use permit and a rezoning for land located near the Highway 22 bypass and the 5t'' Avenue extension. The Joint Planning Commission recommended approval for the conditional use permit and the rezoning. The recommendation will proceed to the County Board in August. b. Hutchinson Pet Hospital Relocation — Curtis and Janel Reiter are relocating their main street business to a piece of land located east of the new movie theater. c. Walgreen's Development — Walgreen's is planning on opening a location at the intersection of Highways 15 and 7. Walgreen's is working with Told Development. They are purchasing the property owned by Dale's Auto, as well as property owned by Curtis and Janel Reiter. Construction is expected to begin sometime this winter or early next spring. d. Big Wheel Rossi — Expected to open a store in the County Fair Marketplace Development e. Target — The projected grand opening date for Target is early October. Target is in the process of hiring employees. Vi Mayer from the Chamber of Commerce indicated that Target has had a significant number of applications. 6. New Business a. Post Office Relocation and Expansion — Christie has been working with Postmaster Paul Johnson to set up a meeting between City staff and Post Office officials to discuss the anticipated expansion and possible relocation of the existing site. Johnson has indicated the proposed project would likely take place in the year 2002. b. Creation of Marketing and Promotions Team - Christie indicated that she would be working with Duane Hoversten to establish a Marketing and Promotions Team over the next few months. It is thought that members of the Planning and Operations Team and the Industrial Park Task Force would make up this new team. c. Recruiting New Team Members — Christie inquired about the policy for accepting and /or recruiting new team members. Board members indicated that the list is generally reviewed once per year. Members that do not attend meetings are sent a letter asking if they are still interested in participating. If not, the position is filled with a new person. Christie was asked to keep a list of people interested in being on a task force. According to the HCDC bylaws, membership cannot exceed 40 people. Christie will work with Tim to review the membership list. 7. Chamber Report Vi Mayer was on hand to give the report for the Chamber of Commerce. He highlighted the establishment of the Hutchinson Area Foundation, the Arts and Crafts Fair, Taste of Hutchinson, the Leadership Development Program, the Quality Council, and Music in the Park. He also mentioned the possibility of a fountain for the Crow River. Finally, Vi talked about an article that was written by Smart Choice /Select City to promote the City of Hutchinson to prospective businesses and industries, as well as individuals. Jim Haugen will attend the Chamber meeting on July 28. 8. Next Meeting The next meeting will be Friday, August 27, at 7:00 a.m., at City Center. Please note the change to the fourth Friday of the month. This will be a permanent move. 9. Adjournment A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Jim Haugen Secretary /Treasurer