05-21-1999 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Minutes Friday, May 21, 1999 Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag Jim Haugen Don Erickson Tim Ulrich Sheldon Nies Chamber Rep: Mike Cannon, Citizens Bank HCDC Staff. Bonnie Baumetz, Interim Coordinator /Sec. and Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order ... President Tim Ulrich The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:00 a.m. 2. Introduction of new EDA Executive Director Christie Rock by Tim Ulrich At this point, Christie has met all of the Board members at task force meetings. She took the opportunity to let people know that she is excited to finally be working for the Hutchinson EDA. She has had a good week so far, and is looking forward to getting started on some projects. She encouraged people to call her with questions or ideas. 3. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for April 16, 1999 Don Erickson made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Don Walser. The motion carried unanimously. 4. One - motion agenda (See enclosed packet — colored sheets) Sheldon Nies made a motion to approve the one - motion agenda, seconded by Jim Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Tim Ulrich indicated that Ken Merrill attended the Finance Team meeting and presented the April financial statements, as well a provided an update of both EDA loan programs. Merrill indicated there is a significant amount of money available in the Downtown Loan Fund. Christie will be working with the Downtown Task Force to identify projects. Merrill also reviewed the policies, guidelines and process for the Downtown Loan Fund. The Economic Development Loan Fund will be reviewed in June. Jim Haugen mentioned that the Downtown Task Force continues to pursue the possibility of additional lighting on Main Street. The Industrial Task Force will be working on a comprehensive plan for the new industrial park area in the Southeast part of town. 5. Administrative and Program a. Discussion of ideas for community introduction of Christie Christie mentioned the Hutchinson Leader interviewed her on Thursday, May 20. The article should run the week of May 24. The Board also decided to host an open house on June 23, from 4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Christie will work with Bonnie to send out an announcement and arrange for food and beverages. Additional ideas for community introduction include Vi Mayer's television show, the Chamber of Commerce meetings, and the local talk radio show. b. Consideration of subordination request by Dick McClure for land write - Down for Lot 5, Block 1, Swanson Subdivision in Hutchinson Industrial District. (The Finance Team recommends approval of this request.) Ulrich explained that Citizens Bank and Trust Co. has entered into a loan commitment with Richard and Margery McClure to provide funding for a commercial building to be located on property at Fifth Avenue and Arch Street. Ulrich stated that Citizens Bank requires a first mortgage on the property to be improved. Therefore, the bank is asking the EDA Board to consider a request for subordination of the mortgage in record in favor of Hutchinson Community Development Commission filed as Document #26578, on December 14, 1998, in the original amount of $13,550. The Finance Team approved this request on May 18. Ulrich mentioned that in addition to this project, Mr. McClure is also interested in purchasing the DAV property recently acquired by the EDA. The DAV property would be sold to McClure under the land write -down program. Don Erickson made a motion to approve the request, Bob Windel seconded, discussion. The motion passed unanimously. C. Barely /Bremix relocation Bonnie told the group that as far as she knew, Bremix had to be out of its current location by November 1. The last she heard, Bremix was considering a location along the State Highway 22 Bypass. She also heard Bremix was thinking about a temporary location on the grain elevator site in the industrial park. Bremix wanted to relocate to State Highway 15 N, but the Joint Planning Commission denied the permit request. d. Update on ADC /Solitra The building is still for sale. Sheldon Nies asked the Commissioners if no reasonable buyer was found, would they be interested in allowing McLeod County to purchase the site for office space. The Commissioners agreed that they would prefer to find an industry to fill the building. Ulrich mentioned that he and Vi Mayer had been in contact with a window company that is looking to relocate to outstate Minnesota. New Morning Windows based in Lakeville is seeking to acquire a small cabinetmaking, millwork, or woodworking shop with a dozen or so employees. Ulrich and Mayer called the company to see if they might be interested in the ADC /Solitra. e. Review of team meeting calendar Christie indicated that she would like to firm up a calendar of team/task force meetings to be distributed at the beginning of every month. This means Christie would like the teams /task forces to settle on a regular meeting date and time. Instead of having all of the teams /task forces meet during the third week of the month along with the EDA Board, it would be better for them to meet during the first two weeks of the month. This would enable her to have minutes prepared and board packets distributed prior to two days before the EDA meeting. The Commissioners indicated they would be willing to change their meeting date until the fourth Friday of the month if necessary. Christie also asked whether the Transportation Task Force would be interested in meeting in June. Sheldon Nies indicated that they really have not had anything new to discuss in the past few months, but he also thought it would be good for them to get together. Nies will contact the Chair of the Transportation Task Force and put together an agenda for a June meeting. There was also discussion about "cleaning up" teams and task forces. There are a number of individuals who do not attend meetings anymore. Perhaps new people could be assigned. Christie will work with Tim Ulrich and other committee chairs to determine who is still interested in being involved. L Chamber Report Mike Canon representing the Chamber reported on the Blandin Leadership Program. He announced that the Chamber is now on the internet. He indicated that the Chamber is working with Minnesota Department of Health to meet the necessary requirements to host "Taste of Hutchinson ", "Pie in the Park", and the Farmers Market. Mike also mentioned that a meeting was held with 51 businesses that are affected by the Highway 7 detour. June 4 is Dairy Days. Music in the Park will start on Monday, June 14. Hometown Reality is sponsoring a perennial flower park north of the Chamber of Commerce building. g. Other Items Christie asked the Commissioners if it would be all right for her to work four ten -hour days until she moves to Hutchinson. The Commissioners said that would be ok. h. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 18, 1999. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Jim Haugen Secretary/Treasurer