09-06-1937 HUCMMonthly Meeting September 6, 1937. The regular monthl7T meetin`, of the LiFht y:. Power Commission was held in the office of the Sunerintendent in the Plant Building at 5 :00 P. M. . All members were present. R. W. Strohmeier was also present . The minutes of the meetinr- held Au7ust 9, 1937 were read and approved as read. The following hills were read and al lowed: Amos Krasien Labor 5.60 American Locomotive Co. Parts 111.13• Coast to Coast Store Supplies 3.PR • F enr,T 7umach "" au 11. n- . 65 J. P. Riesberg Supplies 1.16 "larold Anderson Labor general Fleetri.c CompamT Surrltes 8.45 General Flectric Supply Corp. merchandise 8.19. General Electric Company Supplies 12.62. Williams "Or-pan, 'r Supplies 9.17. Mi%n . Western Ra i liflr ay Frei `ht on Oil 191-15. 1-41nn. Electrical Council Affidavit blanks 2.00. SocomT- Vacuum 01.1 Compr7T 'Fuel Oil 233.47. American Locomotive Company Engine Repair 6.90. Arnold Adams Labor 5.00, A?inn. Western Railway ''rei M on Oil 219-98. Petroleum Prod,cts, Inc. Fuel 01 ,1. 1.93.38 7idwest Fl.ectric Comnarmr "Iercbandise 10.40 411 .s- Chalmers Mfr. Co. Transformers 271.44 • St Pr. l.i.nm Electric Ccmnan << Fouipment 16.76• Midwest Electric C ompa ny Supnlie s 5.95 • General Electric Commny Mercb.andise 3.11, Williams Hardvuare Cor"nan.�T c1an -14 es 4.80. F. Channon C ompa ny Siannlie s 4-95 . Paper, Calrrenson Comnanv Extension, -P1.d7_ 6.44. T,d_tts Texaco Service Station 91)pnlies 2.90• Ralph F. Smith Rr Sons rac 13.28. Hutchinson Telephone Co Services 3.40. Nehrin` Electrical ; "forks !Fire 83.76, 7ila Kardware Sunn.l1e,s 13.50• re-"07T, Launders ?: Cleaners, La I ' ndr -,T x.49. Tot ff' Mot or �, omnany Vent i.r 16-00. 'Ra .liner Pri. nt i n, C ompan jT Pr nt in Er, 1-4-75. Hartwig 8- Schmidt Supplies 1.60. ??- 1. Kornai. ebel Pa Ir-t i npr 17.35 , R. W. Strobmeier Sunnli.es 2,.65• A. P. Jor`Penson Insurance 70.OR. N. Carl Christenson Tn.stallati.on 40.00. Boulay, &nderson R.- Wddo Auditing 65.00 D. F. Mc Gannon Ins talla t ion 30.00. Loe Electric Company Installations 30.50, H. P. Quade Installations 80.00. Christensen 8- Betker Instd.l ation 30-00- TransAmerican Const. Co. Pledge #1 ?,! Int. 7,725.00. 32 1r,.. 0 . Jahnke Ins . A menc v Insliranc e 24-40- J. P. Jensen Express 5.90. uenrsT 7umach Express 5.10 - Williams Hardware Comnan, Siinnlies 1.21 - Arnold Adarls Labor X5.00. Cite of Hutchinson Interest on bonds 4,125.00 roodward OTovernor. Co Supplies 1.27. Addressorranh Sales A.Cency Plates 2.02. Goulds P imns , Inc. cu bpli es 1.0-22. There reins no further business the meetinn adjourned. Seer .r Attest; . res _. en D 1