08-02-1937 HUCMMonthly Meeting August 2, 1937• The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power. Commission was held in the office of the Sunerintendbnt in the Plant building at 5;00 P. M. . All members were present. R. ilk. Strohmeier, was also present. The minutes of the meeting, held July 6, 1937, were read and approved as read. The following; bills were read and allowed: Clarence Win.kleman Minn. Western Railway Arnold Wendt Amos Krasien H. Pettit Western. Oil & Fuel Co. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Duncan Elec. Ulf -. Co. Harold Anderson Raymond Anderson Anton Anderson Harold Anderson Herman Moerke Otto Meyer Line Material Company. Pink Supply Company August Leske Frank Za jicek Amos Krasien Addressograph Sales Agency trT. A. Korn`iebel. Mitchell Hauling Service 711a ;;Ila hardware J. I. �I olc omb C ompa n.y Nei ry Gumach Midwest Electric Company Am. Locomotive Company Citizens Bank, Hutchinson, N. P. Ouade 'Falter Rippe 'Nal t' a Texaco Station Huto A. Mahs Nehr ing Elec. Works Williams Hardware Co. A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Sterling Electric Company Midwest Electric Company J. P. Jensen F. 'J. Zile & Sons Thompson Yards, Inc. Walter Rippe Wolff Motor Company Wallner Printing Co. P,q 1. nn . Lab or 9.80 - Freight 281.85• Labor 33 .15 Labor 19.78' Labor 19.60 Fuel Oil 230-51- Adding Machine 242.00, Meters 222.13• Labor 11.25, Labor 3.15 Labor 3.15 , Labor 1-40- Labor 2.00, Labor 2.00• Supplies 55.69• Rags 15.29, Labor 2.00 , Labor 14.85, L &b'or 8.40. Plates 1.48, Labor 4.40 - Haul.ing charges .50. Sunnli.es 61.32. Supplie s 12-P4, Hauling charges 25.38 Lamps 20.80• Parts 50.00 dhecks 5.18 Tnstallations 151.10 - Installations 49.00' Kerosene 1.30' Insurance 20.95, Tools 8- supplies 61.16• Supplies 18.89• Eo uiprent 9.16* Supplies 37.39• Supplies 8.901 Express 2.89• Supplies 4.95, Lumber 24.26, Ins tallati ons 24.00• Reng & Repairs 21-15- Printing 34.75• 29 30 Amos Krasien Hutchinson Banner Alvina L. Kottke Radolek Companv Harter it- Schmidt Ti . Channon C ompan- Tro7j, Launders t, Cleaners Ma7er Brothers Hutchinson Telephone Co Mercoid Corporation Labor 6-30- Adterti s inn 5-00- r-,, a s & of l 9.80 . Eau ipmen t 2.43 - Stpplies 6.40 - Supplies 9.24 - La and ry 5.16 Dirt 8- hauling 91-00'. Exchange Serv. . 5-30- Fouipment 13.64 There bei.nr no further business the meeting adjourned e a ry Attest: resident 7� 11 C