02-28-2003 EDAAEDA BOARD MEETING Friday, February 28, 2003 7:00 a.m. Main Conference Room — City Center AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Review and approve minutes from the January 24, 2003 meeting 3. Review and approve minutes from the February 19, 2003 Finance Team meeting 4. Review financial statements 5. Directors report A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) 6. Delinquent loans 7. 8. 9. Industrial Park update 10. Chamber report 11. New business 12. Set next meeting 13. Adj ourn Strategic Planning Session will immediately follow this meeting. Breakfast will be provided, please RSVP to Lisa 234 -5652 or imcclure&ci.hutchinson.mn.us by January 22. Thank you.