02-23-2001 EDAABOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NOTICE Friday, February 23, 2001 7:00 a.m. City Center, Staff Conference Room AGENDA 1. Call to order ... President Tim Ulrich 2. Consideration of minutes from January 26, 2001 meeting 3. Consideration of financial statements from January 2001 4. Consideration one - motion agenda 5. Executive Director's report 6. Update on post office relocation project • Appraisals • Acquisition 7. Consideration of applications to Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program Quade Family Partnership Richard Petersen 8. Consideration of employment agreement with Hutchinson HRA 9. Review proposed project for Miller/McGraw property 10. Development inquiries 11. Chamber report 12. Set next meeting date for March 30, 2001 (Note this is the fifth Friday) 13. Adjourn