10-16-1936 HUCM9 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid account be protected by adequate collateral security the same as was heretofore done when said account was carried in the name of said City. Commissioner R. W. Dahl seconded the foregoing resolu- tion and upon roll call being taken, the following commissioners, the same constituting the full board, voted aye. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner There being i Attest: res n R. I. Sheppard -aye. A. J. Thompson - aye. R. W. Dahl - aye. zo further business the meeting adjourned. Secretary. ZD� 0 O c cn cD October 16, 1936. m �' iuo =rccO� Upon notice duly given the said Commission met at c m N the office of the President, R. I. Sheppard, of said v o 0 Commission, in the City of Hutchinson at 7 :00 o'clock P.M., 0 Co r: all members being present. m o ov,o The minutes of the previous meeting were read and _" ° approved. o 3 Q 0 Commissioner Thompson introduced the following w m Resolution and moved its adoption: rn Q I RESOLUTION No o BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the 06 Municipal Light and Power Plant of the City of Hutchinson that the City Treasurer of said City be and he is hereby author- ized to withdraw from said account such sums and amounts as may be directed by the said Commission and that in making such withdrawals, the City Treasurer attach to checks presented for payment on said account an order on the City Treasurer of the City of Hutchinson signed by the President and the Secretary of said Commission and that checks so drawn against the said account be signed by the City Treasurer and counter- signed by the Secretary of said Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the First National Bank and Trust Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, be and it hereby is authorized and directed to honor and pay any and all checks of said Commission against said account and drawn as herein proveded for and set forth. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid account be protected by adequate collateral security the same as was heretofore done when said account was carried in the name of said City. Commissioner R. W. Dahl seconded the foregoing resolu- tion and upon roll call being taken, the following commissioners, the same constituting the full board, voted aye. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner There being i Attest: res n R. I. Sheppard -aye. A. J. Thompson - aye. R. W. Dahl - aye. zo further business the meeting adjourned. Secretary.