08-21-2007 HRAMHutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 7:00 AM Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Casey Stotts called the meeting to order. Members Present: Becky Felling, LaVonne Hansen, Ruth Kimball and Joel Kraft. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. MINUTES OF THE HRA BOARD MEETING ON JULY 17, 2007 Joel Kraft moved to approve the Minutes as written. LaVonne Hansen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Becky Felling moved to approve the Financials Reports. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS a. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the draft 2008 Park Towers Budget. b. Jean Ward updated the Board on the progress of the Cingular Cell Tower. The crane will be coming on the 22nd to put construction equipment on the roof. c. Jean Ward gave the Board an update on the replacement of the boiler controls. d. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Memorandum on the 2008 Flat Rent Proposal. Joel Kraft moved to approve the revised Resident Handbook. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 5. FRANKLIN GROVE EXPANDED REHAB PROJECT UPDATE a. Judy Flemming updated the Board on the following EFG Loans: - Meece Loan 48682: loan amount $12,318 plus C041 for $312 - Schuette Loan 48683: loan amount $6,689 and Loan 4CR8683: loan amount $4,460 - Koeppen Loan 48684: loan amount $14,185 b. Becky Felling moved to approve EFG Watzke Loan 48685: loan amount $9,437. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. Becky Felling moved to approve EFG and City Revolving Loans for the Schmeling Loan 48686 with an estimated project cost of around $35,200 contingent to Loan Review Committee's approval. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. Consideration to approve EFG Loan 48687 for Christensen Loan is tabled until next months meeting. 6. UPDATE ON THE SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION HOUSE a. Jean Ward updated the Board on last years school construction house. b. Judy Flemming reviewed with the Board the progress of the 2007/2008 School Construction House. 7. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE AGENCY ANNUAL PLAN a. Chairman Casey Stotts opened the public hearing at 7:30 AM. b. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the plan. c. Joel Kraft moved to approve Resolution 407 -05 Approving 2008 Annual Plan. LaVonne Hansen seconded and the motion passed unanimously. August 21, 2007 Minutes Page 1 of 2