10-09-2000 CHCMHU]"C.711INSON, CHARTFR (X)NIMISSION MINUTES 0("'I"'OBER 9, 20()0 Am= Carl Bretzkc. Cliarles Carlson, Mike C'mmon, �wVcdter Cla)% U)orm]d (das, Philip Gnives, Ronahl McGra%v, Rog,er Pclersen — lo,- an Petcr on. and Linda Rcmucal '4\bSer'JI: Steven Auger -and Voigl Also prcscw,: C'ir.y Attorlicy N4'arc A. sebnru , Ma),'or Marlin T►rmrenqcm and Reccirder Nladbm I Swonson A molion v,as niade, secarided and unanbnoindy cavried to a1;1'111-►ve the rninuu s rif the Su�ptembei I & 200() nioeting• During discussion of the uj:)eomifl'g fbrum 'tn.'d its j5k►rnial' Clay 6uggested th►l Ole C11air '131d \'icc-Chair act as representatives for flic Charier (".'o I'll In i Ssi og I '171d Chair the rortnm 'The olher ("onunission mcnibers concuued Nvith We suggemion. The that i1j,cIiWal he Wited to speak ►UI OPI the I'le Statc(l Omt A Asuvadon "as Omi jii�o►je tetici u'► 4a" hesbud to ex►ress thein'selves at Ii j)LdIhC mecting, McGraw conmimited that there ms a conmniMou mvkhg on leaers io thc for 1)ublication in Ole —FT—tiLc-I-j-ijj5!2n LQader, STIMEY OF CILARTU'R CO.)UNIISSION y"M�IEIAIIIFIIIRS Inaaa.Il h) n N o. I , ,,, � q t Qq± �sU For I Ouprter Arnendrnegj Oueahm No,.. - ;— klljayter Alii,;`vdxmpnf Ou►Mion No, 4��. ChammAmendment QuesOORMA For: 2 Oppose,& It For () Oplumed: I I For 01 C)III►oSed: I I Itr 7 4 R was noted that no sumoy regionse %v as receiveld [rom Virgil Ads= noted that the [•uposed innoGmt 1) Quomion No 5, changhng the percovage amounlAvin 2051 v) 1011 would make H more whibeuh u) get as QUon duough, Ih-, thought I his "as one pel ition i ssue-Me Chukr AnuAssion c►Wd sulnurt NILINUTES OF CIIARTER CM-MISSION OCTOBER 9,2000— PA(.TE 2 Regarding Question No, 2, it was pointed out fli,al ffless thart a year wvere left in the City Council MerribeCs terin, it wvoiild go to the City Cou.iicij to appoint, the roplacement to fill (he unexpired, terns, The petitioners' 1proposal %vould allow the Mayor to pick the new Cokincil Member, which co�uld leave as ivmd without a representative. Roger Petersen pointed out that hi, Nebraska wvhere fie previously fivvd, they have the ww�ard. systern, llovvever, the re�klcnts were ti,ying to elini.imate this fil 31 of govcmniellt, I - n , beCEILLSC 11WI-e! WCM-e problcnis Ile state-d the residents -,vere giveli die irnpression. that the ward systom kvould do a lot f'or the public, I'Mit thu truth was 1heym/anted to get vii of IL Z�I Graves flictught 'tile vvard Sy'steni, was; self'-serving car of sel f-linterest, Cla,v stated lie had as concern about the wai'd system, Under as wh:r(,l syst.eni only one person ivould N,-, available fbT- discii.ssion. Ifowever, under the City',, pr scat systerm, I'le was represciiAed by all five City (17ouncil ji,,iembem, and coold call all dA'thern to discuss a C(MICt,'M Or m :Ri ISSUe, McGraw pointed out that not everyone will be, (,ir wants to lie, invulve J in the 2 ovcmment proccss- fie noted that thQ COURItV diink they repTesent oilly their district fiistead of the entire County, Tor gerson emphasi,7,ed that people did not reahzc-, having fifll rqrescritation gave -1110re sup ort to �vhat nvQded to be accoinplished, The entire City Council watt nptei P C� n � determine i�r a, prqject Or h"9,11'e Wouki benefit the whole City and its resideilts. However, in as larger ciiy there rnight be a ne ,(J for geogmalfli4c locations `or rQpresentatioti wvithin a specific d:ard a, The Mayor fitrtlier comniented that no mie had touched sari why di.e change was being recommended. He stated the reason the petitioners &�,sircd a ward system was because it vvoil.W be easier to get clected iji a, sniall City section. It %vas not because it would be as better l.6rm of govenittlelit, 'I"lic ii-iotive was fili- personal re,asons tio get elected to flit ( I itv CoLaiel L Bretzkc sl al ' ed thal 11,L,-,, thcnight the ward SYSICIII COUld bee, benericiaJ fil,r Ole sake of changcu Apparently sonle people dt) nor think 1he can-ent systern is working, Carlson pointed out thal in Cook and Ribich's bras en tat icin ", lhey stated their intent was to involve more people in goveril.rnera, However, it has been proven thai thM IIIU ,,t be an issue iri order to get V0tCrS OLIt (0 1,11C I)OUS, (Jrx,ires recornmended publishing in die nowspaper tile list of"pros and, cans on each ofthe proj-.iosed to make people aware of What tliey %vcrc. MINIJTES OF C1,1AXt"ER C-`()N1N'1TSSJGN oc'rou.i'�, '), 2(�m,w , PAGF 3 Ile Mayor Wought the consensus hani tonight's survvy of the (Ammer CinunkMon nienibers ShOUld be Qued in the paper to ni,ake Me public awurL; ofvdierc they stood on die issuev Ronucal suggesud coverisig one (lama ArneaKent isum in each alldon of dw ]xMur prior Lo the Noveniber clectiort so that aH Rv• amendnients NVOUld receive as 2.00d rCviC%,., Furtherniore, it was reconunundOd TUI It be acknowtodged Che ("hy kitortiey had C('1171piled Ole fist of jm-os and cons fron) LeLlgUC Of N'liMICSOU1 C ilN-s I'llaterial, caiversaWns at CAQ Council aml Chat-ter Cotnniission, mectings, and a revie\v of the amen%ovs by SeW. It "as dewnnhwd lNu (:;:"arrkon and Chimm, would 1A, to die Muor of W W&I W)OUt ohl,oining newspqxr spacc in future Won, 11 ums a,lso suggested to,approach thc radio sWon regnAlking covorage cal f die pubUc lbrum. Petetsen reyucswd that are or two Charter Cotnntission nicniNzs do a pres,entatic)n i"in the pedUon of Lhe propo ed Charter Ainendrnents, Cot the Kip %auk C'hib niceting, On OctoE)cr 3 1. He will tai ai aing as the nioderaior. Gra vc�s alsc) requestei.] speakers fi.)r tile Rola:l-y nweling, I, no dMe had bc,,en set� It �va.s deamfined that Viikc Canricu'inzid Jeaii Peterson I'vould represent dic Chartour Corrunismon, ("arlson encouraged the Conmikshrn NUnbers to allot Be public bruni Mich xvil"l be M! in-unedhoely AWMAng tlras 042tober 24, My MWI nieedng, He No noted 1hQ group would not ineet agal until the lbrurn had occurred. "Ile ClAr annmirwed IN, afier the Nc%,Pernhcr election, the Charwr Conimission Nvould bqgin dic procQs�5 of reviev,,ing the cini•c (7ity Charwr. The nwOon was nuWq wNWed and carried It) adjourn at 6 11:1 ji�rn,