04-19-2012 PLIBMPIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 19, 2012 7:00 p.m. Willmar Public Library Multi-Purpose Room The April 19, 2012, meeting of the Pioncerland Library System Board was called to order by Chair Amy Wilde at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum was announced. Guests present: Ryan McCormick, Willmar Head Librarian; Chris Otto, McLeod County; Scott Van Buren, Westberg Eischens PLPP. The agenda was approved on a motion by Madsen, seconded by Heimerl. 2011 Audit: The 2011 Audit Report was presented by Scott Van Buren of Westberg Eischens PLPP. He noted that our organization is strong and all funds are fully protected. He pointed out some highlights on the report and answered questions presented by board members. Mr. Van Buren noted one of the findings was that our business operations are lean, and there are not as many checks and balances as they would like to see. However, this is a common occurrence in organizations of this size with limited staffing. The Audit Report was accepted on a motion by Heimerl, seconded by Vacek. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE COMMITTEE: (B. WANGERIN) March 2012 financial report was approved on a motion by Wangerin, seconded by Madsen. Bills and check registers approved on a motion to accept by Wangerin, seconded by Fox. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: New Hires — Melissa Denelsbeek, Assistant 1, Canby/Madison/Dawson Libraries and Ryan McCormick, Head Librarian, Willmar were both approved on a motion by Antony, seconded by Schweiss. AD HOC: (A. Wilde) Administrative Structure: Revised job descriptions for Director/Assistant Director: Hoyhtya recommended an addition to Duties and Responsibilities sections of the Job Descriptions: --Performs other duties and responsibilities as apparent or assigned. A motion to accept the amended job descriptions with above addition and the exception of Pay Grade Assignments was presented by Heimerl, seconded by Schweiss. The motion carried. Pay Grade Assignments will be discussed in a closed Executive Session. Outline Procedure for Director Search: Information-no action required. Ranum's contract is through July 31, 2012. PLS Board Members indicated a general interest in having a permanent Director under contract by the June board meeting. Executive Director Search Policy: The current policy, approved by the board September 15, 2005, was distributed to the board members for perusal. Madsen stated that item 4 seemed too broad and would like it re-worded. Schweiss motioned to accept the policy as amended, Antony seconded for discussion. The amendments discussed were: 1. Item 4 — The Search Committee may utilize various options to recruit applicants, including but not limited to national library publications and organizations, newspapers, and the PLS web site. 2. Item 7 — The Search Committee shall check the references and credentials of the final candidate prior to recommending that individual to the full PLS Board. On a motion by Schweiss, seconded by Benoit a new vote was taken to accept both amendments. The motion carried. Kyllingstad moved, and Antony seconded, a motion that the Board move into closed Executive Session. Motion carried. The Board moved back into open session at 8:13 p.m. A motion to approve salary class 17 for the redesigned position of Director of Library Operations, and to immediately place Ortega at Step 7 of this class, was introduced by Kyllingstad and seconded by Heimerl. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Ranum presented an annual report summary of PLS libraries, Information only, no action needed. Wilde — MLTA, information only, no action needed. NEW BUSINESS: Revised Legacy Formula: Ranum requests the Board to endorse in concept a revision to the Legacy formula to include a factor for the number of Service Points in place of the current factor of Equalization Distribution. The request was approved on a motion by McKim, seconded by Hoyhtya. Performance Appraisal: Ad Hoe Committee requests Personnel Committee to provide the Board with a comprehensive performance appraisal process for the Executive Director and Director of Library Operations, On a motion by Carlson, seconded by Schweiss, Personnel Committee is so ordered to present at the June 2012, board meeting. Future meeting dates: The next full board meeting will be June 21, 2012. The meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 8:30 p.m. Kathy Baumgartner, Recording Secretary. ,ate) Report on the Pioneerland Library System Board Meeting Thursday, April 19,2012 by Roger Vacek 1. January 2012 Board Minutes and First Quarter Finance report were approved. 2. Summary of meeting highlights follows: a. Year to Date income is $ 1.154 M with expenses of $1.032 M. (One page summary available) b. Westberg Eischens Audit report was positive and showed PLS 2011 Financials in proper order and meets all standards. W-E. did point out that there was a overlap of functions which in a larger organization were done independently. If we had to be fully independent it would necessitate hiring more people to do the audits. (See detailed report) c. Two new hires were approved: Assistant for Canby/Madison/Dawson and Head Lib. for Willmar. d. Two Position Descriptions were reviewed, revised and approved: Executive Director (half time position) Director of Library Operations e. Policy 305 revised and approved: The Policy to establish the process for recruiting and hiring the PLS Director (Executive Director). f. Pioneerland 2011 Snapshot of Services (See handout). g. Legacy funds dispersment formula under review. PLS will receive a greater $ amount. Current level of $110,000 will increase to $168,000 with the new formula. h. Minnesota Library Association Conference Presentation by Lenore Johnson, Arrowhead (Handout) Next PLS Meeting: June 21, 2012 Pioneerland 2011 Snapshot of-Servicesl Population of the Legal Service Area 163,110 Registered Borrowers - Residents 89,286 Registered Borrowers - Reciprocal 899 otal Registered Borrowers 90,185 Library Visits 717,454 Reference Transactions 100,151 Public Interriet(Computer Sessions 240,635 ILL Provided to Other Libraries 18,090 ILL Received from Other Libraries 15,397 Children's Circulation 287,410 Children's Library Programs 1,099 Children's Program Attendance 28,640 Young Adult Library Programs 246 Young Adult Program Attendance 2,865 Adult Circulation 500,534 Adult Library Programs 439 Adult: Program Attendance 8,577 Other Circulation 25,279 I -T- . otal Circulation 813,223 Total Programs 1,784 a otakAftendance 40,082 )),U)