05-19-2011 PLIBMPIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM EXECUTIVEIFINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES May 19, 2011, 6:00 p.m. Willmar Public Library Multi-Purpose Room At 6:00 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Chair Amy Wilde. Present were board members: Denis Anderson, Graylen Carlson, Jeff Lopez, Barb Nelson, Brent Olson, Paul Setzepfandt, Bev Wangerin, and Amy Wilde. Admin Staff. Laurie Ortega, Kathy Baumgartner (recording secretary) Guests: Kathie Behrens, Head Librarian, Madison/Canby Absent: Harlan Madsen, Ron Antony, Barbara Hoyhtya A quorum was announced. On a motion by Wangerin and seconded by Lopez, the agenda Was approved. Minutes of the March 17, 2011 Executive/Finance Committee were approved on a motion by Anderson and Nelson. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE COMMITTEE (D. Anderson) The April 2011 Finance Report was approved on a motion by Olson and seconded by Setzepfandt. Bills and Check Registers were approved on a motion by Wangerin, seconded by Carlson. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: New Hires: On a motion by Wilde and seconded by Anderson, the following new hire was approved: Mitchell Ehlen, Library Assistant 11, Madison/Canby. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Investment Policy: After discussion it was decided on a motion by Olson and seconded by Carlson that PLS will not draft an Investment Policy. PLS currently follows state legal guidelines. If it becomes necessary or desirable to make investment changes the issue will be addressed as needed. Technology Plan: PLS' existing three-year Technology Plan is due to expire in 2011. There was some confusion whether PLS would be required to file a new plan. We are not required by Federal government to file a plan to qualify for our level of e-rate funding, but MN State Librarian Walton suggests we file one just in case. Since we do not anticipate major technology changes over the next three years, we could use our existing plan and submit a cover letter signed by Wilde and Ortega stating that we are in the process of restructuring our organization, we have recently upgraded our equipment and do not anticipate further upgrades. On a motion by Olson, I LN U21) seconded by Setzepfandt it was approved that PLS will resubmit the existing Technology Plan by the June 15th deadline. Ortega will draft a cover letter to be reviewed and signed by Wilde. 2012 Budgets: Few changes in what was sent out last month as a preliminary draft. There are some unique libraries that are asking for small increases, but mainly budget requests are the same as for 2011. There will be a full discussion and presentation of the 2012 budget to the full board in June. No action at this time. Ad hoc Committee on Admin Structure Update (A. Wilde): Report presented, discussion took place, no action required. The Ad Hoc committee is waiting for a response from State Library legal services as to any legal impediments to sharing a director with another system. The Ad Hoc committee is scheduled to meet again on June 7th. Directors Report: Accepted as written. Other: Due to scheduling conflicts for the meeting room, a request was made to change the date of the September Executive/Finance meeting from September 15, 2011 to September 22, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. On a motion by Olson, seconded by Anderson, the request was approved. At 7:00 p.m. the meeting was temporarily adjourned for a closed discussion on a Phased Retirement proposal submitted by a member of PLS administration staff. At 7:15 p.m. the Board reconvened. On a motion by Nelson, seconded by Olson the following decision was approved: An administrative staff member has requested phased retirement. The Board feels that with constraints in our organizational structure at this time PLS cannot lose the supervision of five staff. The request was respectfully declined. The next Executive/Finance meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. in the Willmar Public Library multi-purpose room. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Recording Secretary, Kathy Baumgartner