05-18-2010 POLMHutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at the Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were, Mark Jelkin, Julie Jensen, Steve Sherman and Chief Dan Hatten. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jelkin at 5:30 p.m. th Chairperson Jelkin asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the April 20 meeting. With there being none a motion was made by Julie Jensen, seconded by Steve Sherman, to approve the minutes from the April meeting. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the new commissioner. Chief Hatten stated that City Administrator Gary Plotz had put forth a name to the City Council who accepted the recommendation. Hatten stated that the new commissioner name is Verne Meyer. Mr. Meyer was unable to attend this meeting however it is planned that he will be sworn in at the station th meeting that is being held on May 24 at 4:30 p.m. Chief Hatten then updated the Commission with regard to the communication specialists. He stated that each was progressing through the field training program and would be on their own by the end of June. Chief Hatten added that the department was currently down one full-time communication specialist due to the fact that Kris Lindell had been granted a leave to pursue her peace officer license and attend the skills training. Chief Hatten then updated the Commission with regard to the new peace officers. He stated that Officer Mark Hanneman was the only officer currently in field training. He stated that he was in the last week of the program which is evaluations. Chief Hatten then stated that he had previously requested to hire an individual in a part-time capacity from the eligibility roster and had given a conditional offer to the individual. He stated that during the background of this individual it was discovered that the misdemeanor conviction that had been disclosed had an original offense that was more egregious and he therefore withdrew the conditional offer. It was asked if Chief Hatten planned on selecting another individual off the list to which he replied that the only other person on the list was not interested in a part-time position. It was then asked if he planned on posting for the position to which the Chief responded he would not be posting the position. The Police Chief Hiring Process was added to the agenda. Each of the Commissioners had received the version of this process that had been updated in accordance to the discussion at the April meeting. A motion was made by Julie Jensen, seconded by Steve Sherman, to approve the revised Police Chief Hiring Process. Motion carried. Chairperson Jelkin asked if there were any items from the floor. Chief Hatten stated that he would like to invite the Commissioners to the swearing in ceremony for the new communications th specialist that was being held on May 24 at 4:00 p.m. at the Emergency Operations Center. Chief Hatten also wanted to thank Commissioner Sherman for his service to the City of Hutchinson by being a part of the police commission. Chairperson Jelkin and Commissioner Jensen also expressed their appreciation to Commissioner Sherman. With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Steve Sherman, seconded by Julie Jensen, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Police Commission Meeting May 18, 2010 Page 2 Time of adjournment was 5:55 p.m. Next Meeting to be held on July 20, 2010 at 5:30 pm. _______________________________