04-04-2008 POLMHutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Monday, February 4, 2008, at the Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were Barry Anderson, Mark Jelkin, Steve Sherman and Chief Daniel Hatten. The meeting was called to order at 5:25 p.m. Chairperson Anderson asked that an item added to the agenda after item two with regard to the Rules and Regulations. Chairperson Anderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the last meeting. With there being no changes, a motion was made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Steve Sherman, th to approve the minutes from the January 15 meeting. Motion carried. Chairperson Anderson then directed the Commissioners to the Rules and Regulations, second paragraph on the first page. He pointed out the fact that nowhere in that paragraph does it stated that the chair needs to be elected at the mandatory February meeting. A motion was made by Barry Anderson, seconded by Mark Jelkin to insert the words “chair person and” prior to the word “secretary”. Motion carried. The meeting then moved to the agenda item for elections. A motion was made by Barry Anderson, seconded by Steve Sherman to elect Commissioner Mark Jelkin as chair to commence at the next meeting. Motion carried. A motion was then made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Steve Sherman, to have the secretary position filled by Chief Hatten’s designee. Motion carried. Chief Hatten then updated the Commissioners on the hiring process for a police officer. He stated that the physical and psychological tests had been completed on both candidates and that the actual backgrounds were being conducted. He stated that due to staffing issues and the logistics it would take some time to complete this task. He also stated that he had not received documentation from the psychologist on either candidate. He informed the commission that the individual who had conducted the psychological in the past had retired and the department is now utilizing a doctor located in Shakopee. Chief Hatten then updated the Commissioners on the hiring process for a full-time communication specialist. He stated that the final interview had been conducted with the two remaining candidates and that the interview panel agreed that both candidates would be able to perform the job and be a good fit for the department. Chief Hatten stated that he had spoken to both Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing and City Administrator Gary Plotz with regard to offering one candidate a full-time position and the other candidate a part-time position. The reason for offering the part-time position is that Communication Specialist Sheryl Delaney-Smith had informed him that she will be resigning due to the fact that her husband has been transferred to another location. By offering the part-time position the department could begin the field training process and when the time comes that CS Delaney-Smith leaves the part-time individual would be able to fill the vacancy. He stated that he had offered the full-time position to Ms. Soderquist and the part-time position to Ms. Clobes. Chief Hatten added that Shelly Schmidt was near the end of her field training and would be on her own in the near future and that she would be attending her peace officer skills training this spring or summer. Chairperson Anderson asked if there were any items from the floor. Commissioner Jelkin asked th if it would be necessary to convene for the February 19 meeting. After a brief discussion a th motion was made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Barry Anderson, to cancel the February 19 Police Commission Meeting February 4, 2008 Page 2 th meeting unless some issue arises and meet next on the scheduled March 18 date. Motion carried. Commissioner Jelkin then inquired as to the contents of the synopsis that is given to them when certifying an eligibility roster. He stated that it would be better if the information was more quantitative and less opinion. He would like to see how they meet the requirements listed for the position as well as relative job experience. Chief Hatten stated that he could create a sample that the Commission would review for the March meeting. The commissioners agreed to have a sample presented at the next meeting. Mark Jelkin asked Chief Hatten if there was anything new with regard to the burglary at Officer Hammond’s home. Chief Hatten stated that there had been no new developments in that case. Steve Sherman stated that they had windows broken on vehicles at Maplewood Academy and wondered if it was similar the spree that occurred in the Fall of 2006. Chief Hatten stated that there were no other incidents reported of vehicle windows being broken. With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Steve Sherman, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 6:03 p.m. th March 18 Next Meeting to be held on , 2008.(Meeting later changed to March 25 with the location of City Center, 111 Hassan St SE) _______________________________