03-27-2006 POLM Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Monday, March27,2006, at the Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, Tom Schwartz, Chief Daniel Hatten, Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing, City Attorney Marc Sebora and City Administrator Gary Plotz. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Chairperson Barry Anderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the last meeting. One spelling correction was made to the third line of the third paragraph. A motion was then made by Donna Baysinger, seconded by Tom Schwartz, to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the final draft of the police officer third interview questions. There was a brief discussion regarding the questions. A motion was made by Tom Schwartz, seconded by Donna Baysinger, to approve the third interview questions. Motion carried. Chief Hatten then directed the commissioners' attention to the draft of the hiring process for the police chief. The steps for hiring, as outlined in the draft, were gone through one by one. Chief Hatten and Brenda Ewing took notes regarding the changes that needed to be made to each item. The revised process will be discussed at the next meeting. The hiring process for Community Service Officer, Communication Specialist and Office Staff was tabled for the next meeting. Chairperson Barry Anderson then asked if there were any items from the floor. Gary Plotz stated that he had conducted interviews with various city employees and when his report was completed he would forward a copy to each of the commissioners. With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by to adjourn the meeting, seconded by. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 8:30 p.m. Donna Baysinger