02-06-2006 POLM Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Monday, February 6,2006, at the Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were Barry Anderson, Tom Schwartz, Donna Baysinger, and Chief Daniel Hatten. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Chairperson Barry Anderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the last meeting. One minor correction was made to the last sentence of paragraph 5 on page 1. It was determined that the commission would meet on the third Tuesday not Monday of every month beginning in April 2006. The next item on the agenda was the election of Chairperson and Secretary for the 2006 Police Commission. A motion was made by Barry Anderson to nominate Donna Baysinger as secretary, seconded by Danna Baysinger. Motion carried. A motion was made by Tom Schwartz to nominate Barry Anderson as Chairperson, seconded by Donna Baysinger. Motion carried. Chief Hatten then directed the commissioners' attention to the questions for the third interview for the position of police officer. In the previous meeting additional changes were proposed. Chief Hatten reviewed these changes with the commission. Discussion then revolved around question 14 and other grammatical errors. Chief Hatten agreed to make the changes then bring the final daft before the board at the next meeting. Chief Hatten updated the Police Commission on the status of the current hiring process for the police officer position. The commission was advised 78 applicants were invited to participate in the written test, which will take place on February 14th, 16th, and 18th.. Chief Hatten stated the commissioners would be notify of the dates and times of the test and interviews so they could observe if they wished. Chief Hatten also reminded the commission he would bring the eligibility roster to the March 2ih meeting for certification. Chairperson Barry Anderson then asked if there were any items from the floor. Chief Hatten clarified the following items would be on the agenda for the March meeting: final draft of 3rd interview questions, police officer eligibility roster for certification, 15t draft of the hiring process for Police Chief with invitation to attend the next meeting going to the City Administrator, City Attorney, and the Human Resource Director. With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Tom Schwartz to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Donna Baysinger. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 7:00 p.m. Donna Baysinger