04-05-2005 POLM HUTCHINSON POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on April5,2005, at the Hutchinson Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting were Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, Tom Schwartz, Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing, Chief Dan Hatten, and Lt. Dave Erlandson. The meeting was called to order. Chairperson Barry Anderson asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the last meeting. A motion was made by Tom Schwartz, seconded by Donna Baysinger, to accept the minutes as stated. Motion carried. Chief Hatten informed the commissioners that the eligibility roster had been exhausted. He stated that one individual had taken a job in Mankato; one turned down the offer and chose to stay where he was and the third individual had issues arise during the background phase. Chief Hatten stated he would like to advertise for the full-time officer position. Brenda Ewing handed out to each commissioner a copy of the packet used by human resources when a position is advertised She stated that an ad would be placed in the Hutchinson Leader, Minneapolis Star/Tribune, placed on the city's web site as well as P.O.S.T., Work Force and League of Minnesota Cities. It was stated that the city normally advertises for a minimum of 10 days and this position would most likely run for 30 days. The advertisement would stated that the individuals would need to be eligible to be licensed by September 1, 2005. This allows for graduates to go through skills if needed and take the licensing exam. A motion was made by Donna Baysinger, seconded by Tom Schwartz, to proceed with the advertising processes. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was to discuss the testing of the applicants. As had been previously discussed the department needs to obtain a new entrance test for officers due to the fact the company previously used by the department had gone out of business. Chief Hatten stated that the Minnesota Chief's of Police Association reviewed different companies that offer entrance exams and have recommended Stanard & Associates. This company enables each department to choose their level of involvement in the testing process, from having the company do everything to the department doing everything. The level of involvement required of the company determ ines the cost of the test. A motion was made by Donna Baysinger, seconded by Tom Schwartz, to accept Stanard & Associates as the testing company used by the department. Motion carried. The commission was asked by Chief Hatten as to what dates they would like to schedule where they could discuss their roles and responsibilities as a commission. It was decided that they would meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month for the next three months with the first meeting being May 4th at 5:30 p.m. (Since the date of this meeting it has been determined that the date chosen will not work - new tentative date is May 18th.) Chief Hatten then updated the commission on several issues within the department. He stated the updating of the policy and procedure manual was still moving forward as well as the emergency operation plan. The generator project - getting one from the hospital and Police Commission April 5, 2005 Page 2 give the departments to the rec center - should be complete by late September, early October. The two new dispatchers have gone through training and are working on their own at this time. He stated that he understood the commissions desire to meet the new employees once they are hired and would work on accomplishing this task. He then showed the commissioners the different graphics the department is looking at for new squad cars with the scheme being black and white. Brenda Ewing then informed the commission that the city will be reviewing the comp plan that was developed five years ago and making any necessary adjustments to the plan. Tom Schwartz then asked about the schools and what they have in place for emergency plans in light of the shooting at Red Lake High School. Chief Hatten informed him that the schools did have plans and that tabletop exercises have been done on days where the district has the two-hour late starts. Donna Baysinger asked how the department was planning on handling the Water Carnival Parade going down Main Street and the 150th anniversary of the city. Chief Hatten stated that the department has been working closely with both groups and trying to anticipate the needs for the many events. With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Tom Schwartz, seconded by Donna Baysinger, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 7:55 a.m. Donna Baysinger