12-09-2004 POLM HUTCHINSON POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Hutchinson Police Commission held a special meeting on December 9,2004, at the Hutchinson Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting were Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, Tom Schwartz, Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing, City Administrator Gary Plotz, City Councilmember Casey Stotts, Mayor-elect Steve Cook, Lt. Dave Erlandson and Chief Daniel Hatten. Chief Hatten arranged for Richard Setter of Setter & Associates to present to the commissioners the background of police commissions - why they were established, how they have evolved, and where they are headed. Also addressed was what the role and responsibilities of the police commission entails as well as how some of these are duplicated by city government human resources. With there being no further discussion the special meeting was adjourned. Donna Baysinger