04-28-2004 POLM HUTCHINSON POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Apri128,2004, at the Hutchinson Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting were Bob Bowen, Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, and Lt. Dave Erlandson - Interim Chief, Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing, City Attorney Marc Sebora, Council Member Casey Stotts, City Administrator Gary Plotz, and Mayor Marlin Torgerson. Also in attendance were Officers Roger Bakken, Steve Sickmann and Travis Heinrich, and Communication Specialist Robin Shoen. The meeting was called to order. Bob Bowen stated that the background checks had been received and copies given to each comm issioner for review. Marc Sebora stated that the purpose of the meeting was for the commission to make a recommendation for the city council. He stated that according to data practices the information in the backgrounds was private information, however the open meeting law states that the information may be referred to at the meeting and then destroyed. Donna Baysinger inquired as to the differences in the information included in each of the backgrounds. Marc Sebora informed her that they were limited to the information the various agencies had - some agencies have a shorter retention schedule than others. At this point in the meeting commissioners in turn discussed their opinion with regard to each of the finalists. Once this discussion was complete the commissioners each stated who they would recommend for the position of Director of Police I Emergency Management Services. The recommendation was as follows: Bowen - Daniel Hatten, Baysinger- Michael Carey, Anderson - Michael Carey. Lt. Erlandson then informed the commission that he had extended an offer to Jason Pederson for the police officer position and he accepted. He will begin on payroll May 2nd. There was some discussion on the recruitment application process. With there being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Barry Anderson, seconded by Donna Baysinger, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 8:10 a.m. Donna Baysinger