04-15-2004 POLM HUTCHINSON POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Aprilt5,2004, at the Hutchinson Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting were Bob Bowen, Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, and Lt. Dave Erlandson - Interim Chief, Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing, City Attorney Marc Sebora, Council Member Casey Stotts, Finance Director Ken Merrill, City Administrator Gary Plotz, and Mayor Marlin Torgerson. The meeting was called to order. Lt. Erlandson stated he wanted to update the commission on the selection process for the police officer position. He stated that it was in the final stages and that Jason Pederson would be having his psychological next week. Donna Baysinger asked about the other individual on the eligibility roster. Erlandson stated that Jesse Mathwig was still in school, would be graduating in May, and taking his licensing test in July. He will remain on the roster and most likely applying for the park patrol position. Lt. Erlandson then updated the commission with regard to the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. He stated that Sgt. Dobratz was filling in as our agent with the departure of Jake May until the end of June. He is also serving as the coordinator to the end of the year. The funding for the task force depended upon the legislation and what they end up deciding. He also stated that the officers are looking a unionizing and that he, along with Brenda Ewing had met with an attorney to look at what needed to be done. A vote by the officers has not been set as of this date. The minutes from the prior meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Bob Bowen, seconded by Barry Anderson, to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Lt. Erlandson also informed the commission that the photographs of the officers had been removed from the department's web site. He stated that there is a state statute that states the department must have permission in order to display the photographs and it was decided to just remove the pictures. The commission was then informed that Michael Kutzke, one of the candidates for the chief position had withdrawn from the process and two candidates remained. The next step in the process is for the commission to make a recommendation to the city council for them to take a vote. Brenda Ewing stated that the city had hired Richard Setter and Associates to complete the background checks on the candidates and they should be completed by April 2ih. It was agreed that the commission did not want to make a recommendation until the backgrounds have been received and they are able to review the information. Donna Baysinger then requested that each attendee at the meeting who had been involved in the interview process state their thoughts regarding the two candidates. After this was completed it was decided that the commission would meet again on April 29th at 7:00 a.m. to review the backgrounds and come up with a recommendation for the city council. Police Commission April 15, 2004 Page 2 With there being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Bob Bowen, seconded by Donna Baysinger, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 8:30 a.m. Donna Baysinger