03-10-2004 POLM HUTCHINSON POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on March 10,2004, at the Hutchinson Police Department Emergency Operations Center. Present at the meeting were Bob Bowen, Barry Anderson, Donna Baysinger, and Lt. Dave Erlandson - Interim Chief, Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing, City Attorney Marc Sebora and Jane Otto from the Hutchinson Leader. The meeting was called to order. Lt. Erlandson stated that the department had progressed with the selection process for police officer. He said that there were six applications through recruitment however, two did not respond to a letter sent stating interviews would be taking place. Four initial interviews were given with three advancing to the testing phase. The following names achieved the necessary scores to be placed on the eligibility roster: Jesse Mathwig and Jason Peterson. Bob Bowen, seconded by Donna Baysinger, made the motion to accept the eligibility roster as presented to the commission. Motion carried. Marc Sebora then addressed the commission with regard to the selection process for the chief of police opening. He stated that the position was advertised in late November to which there were 27 applicants. The applications were then reviewed with there being seven individuals who advanced to the interview phase as a semi-finalist. The interviews were conducted two weeks ago. The interview panel consisted of Mayor Marlin Torgerson, City Administrator Gary Plotz, City Attorney Marc Sebora, Human Resource Director Brenda Ewing, Police Commissioner Bob Bowen, and City Councilman Casey Stotts. The scores for the interviews were averaged and then the applicants ranked. The field was then narrowed to three individuals who will be invited to the second round of interviews. Sebora than stated that the commission could require additional testing i.e. skills, physical and/or psychological. Lt. Erlandson informed the commission that in order to be licensed in the state of Minnesota all individuals go through a skills course. After some discussion a motion was made by Bob Bowen, seconded by Barry Anderson, to by-pass the additional testing. Motion carried. Brenda Ewing then gave the names and a brief background of the three applicants that remained. Those being: Michael Carey, Daniel Hatten, and Michael Kutzke. She also stated that the other applicants had been Sgt. Chris Dobratz, Lt. Dave Erlandson, Kevin Rabbit of Maplewood and Gordon Wyberg of Florida. Ewing then stated with the approval of the eligibility roster backgrounds on the applicants would be completed within the nest two weeks. Barry Anderson made a motion, seconded by Donna Baysinger, to accept the eligibility roster. Motion carried. Donna Baysinger then asked about the policy and procedures manual update that had discussed at a previous. Lt. Erlandson stated that a review of the manual was still planned however, in light of the circumstances that it has been tabled until after the chief's position has been filled. Baysinger also stated that she had been to the police web site and noticed some outdated information. Lt. Erlandson stated that the person who handles the web site in the department would be given this information and the updates made to the site. Police Commission March 10, 2004 Page 2 With there being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Bob Bowen, seconded by Barry Anderson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 8:05 a.m. Donna Baysinger