12-01-2008 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board December 1, 2008 Members present were: Bill Arndt, Lenore Flinn, Beth Hepola, Lora Muilenburg, Mike Retterath and Deane Dietel. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:17 pm. A motion was made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Lenore Flinn to approve the minutes dated November 3, 2008. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS 2009 Budget – The City’s 2009 preliminary budget will be presented to the City Council at an upcoming meeting. City staff are waiting to see if/or how much city budgets will be cut in Local Government Aid. The school district’s budget is in good shape. The part-time position at the Event Center will not be filled at this time. It was advertised, but interviews were not held. September has been able to spend more time taking care of those duties as some meetings and events have been cancelled at the Event Center for the upcoming year. Girls Softball Survey – The majority of parents that completed the survey believed that if you’re on the team, you should get to play. The City will be involved in the Girls Softball Association program for registration and scheduling if the program is based on everyone plays, at the 12 year old level, rather than their ability to play. NEW BUSINESS Central Garage – The City has operated a central garage for vehicle repair and maintenance. From now on, individual departments will be responsible for repair and maintenance of their equipment. In Parks, the budget is $60,000 to $70,000 for new equipment and $30,000 for repair and maintenance. Some of the equipment is leased. This method of vehicle management may reduce the number of vehicles the City owns. Public Arts Funding – The Public Arts Commission has requested up to $50,000 from the City of Hutchinson for a start-up budget to get the group off the ground. State funds are available, but require a match from the City. The group consists of eight citizens and four elected officials. One upcoming project the group has is putting the Little Crow statue back in place now that the Highway 15/22 project is complete. Brochure Funding – The long-time corporate sponsor of the PRCE brochure is no longer donating $3,000 annually for the brochure; the total cost is $16,000 a year. An alternative to consider is an on-line only brochure and/or e-mail direct to current participants. Something to consider is that not everyone has access to the internet. St. Cloud is experimenting with an on- line only brochure right now. Currently, fliers are printed of age-appropriate programming and taken to the schools for the children’s Friday folder. It’s very effective in getting children registered for programs. Deane suggested a stuffer in the Utility billing. Minutes PRCE Advisory Board December 1, 2008 Page two ABE/GED – Julie Mischke has been the instructor of Adult Basic Education (ABE) in Hutchinson since 1996. Classes are held at Ridgewater College. The number of participants using the services has flourished. Students consist of individuals from over 21 countries in addition to High School drop-outs. 90 to 95% of the participants receive a General Educational Development (GED) diploma. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm by a motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Mike Retterath. The board unanimously agreed. klm