01-05-2004 PRCEM MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board January 5, 2004 Members Present: Bill Arndt, Jay Beytien, Mike Cannon, Kirk Kosel, and Ralph Johnson. The Tree Board was also present including Deane Dietel, Tim Smith, Mike Getzke and Brian Wendtlandt. Also present were DolfMoon, Mark Schnobrich, Lawrence Winter and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5: 15 pm A motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Mike Cannon approved the minutes dated December 1,2003. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Mark Schnobrich, City Forester presented a review of2003 projects and statistics to board members including the following: A total of 1,750.3 hours were spent in forestry last year. Those hours were broken down into several categories such as tree planting and removal, tree pruning, storm damage, watering, disease control, inspection, tree inventory, administration and training/meetings. 347 trees were planted in 2003 while 133 were removed. 8,500 trees have been planted since the energy planting program began in 1979. The annual Arbor Day celebration includes a tree give away. The Tree Board has drafted an ordinance to require developers to escrow money for tree planting. Projects for 2004 include restoring the shelter in Women's Club Park. Originally built with elm posts, the posts will be replaced; it will be done as an Eagle Scout project. Three grants awarded to the City of Hutchinson will be completed in 2004 including an $8,000 grant through the Minnesota Department of Transportation for roadside landscaping along Highway 15 south of Century Avenue. Planting will continue with the burr oak and flowering crab, which are found along the highway north of Century Avenue. The High School students and Sentence To Serve will be working on the Miller Woods Oak Savannah project with the McLeod County Historical Society. The area will be parceled out and buckthorn will be removed. A MNReleaf grant of $9,000 was received. The Forestry and Natural Resources and Ecology classes at the High School will be doing a tree inventory including planting, curriculum and inventory. Bill Arndt asked if a tree line could be planted west of the buildings at the Fairgrounds that would buffer it from the new home construction. Jay Beytien wondered about the availability of money from Hutchinson Utilities for energy planting. MINUTES PRCE Advisory Board January 5, 2004 Page two Dolf spoke with Pat Spethman, Hutchinson Utilities; there should be money available for energy tree planting in 2004. He recommended that Dolfrequest $15,000 for updating the lighting in the Recreation Center. The Pepsi sponsorship money ($50,000) is also available for Rec Center updates. The cost oflighting is approximately $30,000. Energy tree planting generally receives $30,000. In the early 80's there was an oil overcharge, that money has to be used for conservation measures, the Conservation Incentive Program or CIP dollars are sent to the state if not used locally. Lawrence Winter, Park Resource Coordinator, reviewed the 2003 park accomplishments along with the goals for 2004. Maintaining services was a challenge in 2003, given the reduction of full time staffby 2.5 FTEs. There were 22,865.05 hours spent in areas such as turf and landscape, general maintenance, field maintenance, snow removal city and school, sidewalks and parking lots, outdoor rink maintenance, decorations, other functions, Rec Center repairs, flags and banners, and equipment maintenance. Projects worked on in 2003 include completing riverside shoreline, Library Square water proofing, dam reconfiguration, footbridge rip-rap and Roberts Park relamping, parking lot resurface and fence replacement. The City of Hutchinson was awarded grants from the DNR for improvements in Rotary Park, and improvements along the 2nd Avenue shoreline. Goals for 2004 in the parks include work on Library Square improvements, continue 2nd Avenue shoreline improvements, begin grounds maintenance/restoration of Merrill House, install Ivan Hurt memorial, complete Rotary Park Grant, complete stabilization of AFS Park shoreline, develop Drift Rider's Park, and begin park maintenance plan development. Drift Rider's Park is a five acre parcel located in Island View Heights in the southeast corner. There may be a dock, but no landing to the river. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Deane Dietel questioned why street and parking lot snow filled with debris is dumped near the river by Tartan Park. Dolf told the board that the Bass Pond area is more appropriate. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm by a motion made by Bill Arndt, and seconded by Kirk Kosel. The Board unanimously agreed. klm