04-22-2013 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes April 22, 2013 Present: Julie Jensen, Warren Schuft, Rick Reiner, Don Schroeder, Barb Peterson, Judy Klawitter City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Harriet Sturges, Carrol Olson L The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Don Schroeder, acting chairman. IL Secretary's Report: The March minutes were examined. Warren made a motion to approve the minutes and Rick seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that we currently have a bank balance of $9247.75. We had trip reimbursements of $6757.90. There has been $2200 donated to the memorial program so far. Card sales last month added up to $190 while $42 worth of dish cloths were sold. The button crafts brought in $48.50. Rick made a motion to accept the report with a second from Barb. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- The April 18th Johnny Cash tour was very well received by the participants but the weather was nasty. The May tour to the Old Log Theater still has a five seats available. The June 18th tour to Clear Lake in Iowa is sold out. The July 30th tour to Lake Minnetonka's Bayview Event Center for dinner and a steamboat ride on the "Minnehaha" is sold out. Upcoming trips also include an August trip to the state fair and a tour back to the Plymouth Playhouse on September 12th to see another edition of the Church Basement Ladies. A tour will travel to Wisconsin in October to see how cranberries are harvested and November will bring a visit to the Swedish Institute in the Twin Cities which will be decorated for Christmas. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the April Fellowship Dinner is featuring swiss steak. The volunteer luncheon was held last Friday but the weather reduced attendance. The board asked September to look in an event line to call for cancellations of Senior Center events. John offered access to the PRCE gameline which is already in place for their programs' weather related updates. The movie "Lincoln" was very successful with good numbers and good reviews. "The Silver Lining Playbook" is the May movie. "Travel at a Glance" featured a tour of Honduras. Next month Connie and Larry Fraser will tour Cuba with the group. The Center is currently hosting about forty to fifty Bone Builders each week. September is still working on the upcoming special event "Buddy Holly meets the Beatles" and is beginning to line up another show for November entitled "Sirens of the Sixties ". There were over 30 people at the last dance. May will bring a fashion show from Christopher Banks involving the Red Hat Society. September noted that she is promoting other organizations like concert groups in the newsletter since they are popular with seniors. V. Business A. New Work Force Person — No person is currently in place to staff the front desk when Tracy is unavailable. The Center is only going to bring someone in who can handle the work and not require a lot of oversight. B. Carrol Olson- For health reasons Carrol Olson has resigned from the board effective immediately. The board will check around for potential candidates to fill out Olson's term for 2013. Bruce Bjerklund had indicated an interest recently and will be contacted. C. Craft Sale- May 17th will bring a craft vendors' sale of many different products to the Event Center. The seniors may sell Button Bouquets at this craft sale. D. Other- Judy reported that Bone Builders needs more space for the program as their room is almost completely filled. September discussed with the board how it is difficult to set up a room that large in the main area only to have it moved if the Center gets a rental. Instead of moving back and forth it was determined to stay in the same space for now. Don mentioned that the City charter needs to be updated as the information about the Senior Advisory Board and the Center itself are incorrectly portrayed. VI. Adjournment: Rick made a motion to adjourn at 11:28am with a second from Warren. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, May 201h at 10:00 a.m. - John McRaith, Secretary