03-25-2013 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes March 25, 2013 Present: Carrol Olson, Julie Jensen, Warren Schuft, Rick Reiner, Harriet Sturges, Don Schroeder, Barb Peterson, Judy Klawitter City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None L The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Carrol Olson IL Secretary's Report: The February minutes were examined. Rick made a motion to approve the minutes and Don seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that we currently have a bank balance of $2594. There are several large deposits to be made, however, which will raise that balance substantially. There has been $2200 donated to the memorial program so far. Card sales last month amounted to over $200. Harriet made a motion to accept the report with a second from Rick. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the "Murder in McLeod County" tour was very interesting and turned out well. In March they visited the "Celtic Tenors" in St. Cloud. Both of these tours were completely filled. The April 18th Johnny Cash tour is sold out. The May tour to the Old Log Theater still has nine seats available. The June 18th tour to Clear Lake in Iowa sold out in 40 minutes. On July 30th a group will head to Lake Minnetonka's Bayview Event Center for dinner and a steamboat ride on the "Minnehaha ". August will bring a trip to the state fair and a mystery tour may be on tap for this fall also. Since the boat tour filled so quickly there was some discussion about how many tickets a person may purchase. The board reaffirmed that the current policy of four per person was reasonable. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the March Fellowship Dinner is happening tomorrow night and features a stew from Hutch Cafe. Travel at a Glance featured a tour of Glacier National Park hosted by Terry Davis. This month they will visit the "Gates of Jerusalem ". Next month our video tour will head up to Mackinac Island. The vein clinic session occurred during bad weather so that cut the attendance but those who came had a very good experience and learned a lot. There were 32 people at the last dance and we lost a few dollars on the event. One concern that came out of that activity was that the food needs a container to be kept fresh for the dance. Rick made a motion seconded by Warren to purchase a container. The motion was approved. A new craft has hit the Senior Center. `Button Knickknacks" are selling for $4 and they will keep making them as long as they are popular. V. Business A. May Fundraiser — The promoter for the Shadow Tribute Band is offering a follow up to that successful event on May 18th called "Buddy Holly Meets the Beatles ". Financial terms will be similar to the last production. B. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner- September reported that the volunteer appreciation dinner will be held in April. The board discussed possible gifts but decided that the meal was the best gift and that volunteers want to support the Center's activities with their services. C. September Fundraiser- The Shadow Tribute Band may be appearing again on September 27th. September is working out the details and they may include some outdoor activities such as a car show and food items. D. Bike Rack- The board approved the purchase of a bike rack for the Senior Center after a motion from Rick and a second from Don. E. Work Force Employee- The current work force employee is running out of hours and will be done soon. September discussed the potential for replacing her but wanted to emphasize that we need to have someone capable of meeting the demands of being a receptionist at the Center. VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 11:19am with a second from Rick. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, April 22nd at 10:00 a.m. - John McRaith, Secretary