01-28-2013 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes January 28, 2013 Present: Carrol Olson, Julie Jensen, Warren Schuft, Rick Reiner, Harriet Sturges, Don Schroeder, Barb Peterson, Judy Klawitter City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None L The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Carrol Olson IL Secretary's Report: The November minutes were examined. Harriet made a motion to approve the minutes and Rick seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that we currently have a bank balance of $6476.36. There has been $1800 donated to the memorial program so far. Don made a motion to accept the report with a second from Rick. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the November 29th tour to the history museum and Famous Dave's went off without any issues. The December North Heights trip for the Christmas pageant had some weather issues but still turned out fine. The Crow River Winery tour with dinner at Zella's had some minor issues but was successful nonetheless. The February trip will include crime scenes from McLeod County with the City's police chief and the county sheriff helping to fill in the details. All these tours along with an upcoming visit to the Plymouth Playhouse to see "Ring of Fire" about the life and times of Johnny Cash are sold out. The board commended Julie Jensen for the incredible job she has done putting together these successful trips. B. Update on Programs- September went through the various programs that were held at the Senior Center this past year and the number of people who were in attendance. The total came to 13,912 participants for 2012. Bingo has been using different callers recently and the assistance has been greatly appreciated. "Hope Springs" was the movie for January and "Argo" will be playing next month. A presentation on e -books was given this month and it was very informative. The February fellowship dinner will be spaghetti and meatballs. Travel at a Glance will visit the "Gates of Jerusalem" this next month. V. Business A. February Fundraiser - The Shadow Tribute Band will be the entertainment at a fundraiser hosted at the Event Center with funds being raised for the Senior Center on Saturday, February 23rd. Reserved table seating will be available for $19 in advance and $21 at the door. Tickets go on sale this Monday, February 4th at 9:OOam. The band will be working on a 60/40 split with no guarantee so this is a good opportunity to raise some funds. Board members have volunteered to help with administrative tasks in preparation for the concert. B. Legion Fundraiser- September reported that the Legion has some interest in working with the Senior Center on a potential fundraiser. She will discuss it in more detail with their members and report back to the board. C. Board Member Elections- Carrol Olson was nominated to continue as chairperson, Harriet Sturges as vice - chair, Warren Schuft as treasurer, and John McRaith as secretary. Don made a motion seconded by Rick to accept positions as nominated. The board unanimously agreed. D. Popcorn Popper Rental- September asked the board if they would be interested in renting out the popcorn popper for an event not held at the Center. Members expressed their concerns about potential damage to the popper and it was decided to keep this appliance for Center use only. E. Friday Activity Feedback- Several of the board members, along with September, have gotten positive feedback about being open again on Fridays. It's not just programming that seniors are looking for. Many just want to have a place they can visit to read the paper or talk with others. VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 11:24am with a second from Don. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, February 25 at 10:00 a.m. - John McRaith, Secretary