09-24-2012 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes
September 24, 2012
Present: Carrol Olson, Julie Jensen, Warren Schuft, Rick Reiner, Harriet Sturges, Don
City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith
Absent: Judy Klawitter, Cliff Swanson
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Carrol Olson
II. Secretary's Report: The August minutes were examined. Rick made a motion to
approve the minutes and Harriet seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that in the last month we had $222 in card sales
along with a $300 from the memorial program and $54 from dish cloths. The current
bank balance is $7832.56. Harriet made a motion to accept the report with a second
from Rick. The motion passed.
IV. Old Business
A. Tours- Julie reported that the trip to Pipestone is sold out and all trips that have
been advertised are sold out also. Julie is preparing tours for the new year including
an interesting trip into our past call "Murder in McLeod County ". The tour will
feature stops at various infamous locations where a murder took place. This was
designed as a winter tour to avoid traveling too far in unpredictable weather. The
board had some discussion about the number of tickets that should be allowed per
person for upcoming tours. The number is set a four now and after throwing out
some positives and negatives, the board decided to leave it at four.
B. Update on Programs- September reported that "Travel at a Glance" is going well
and will head to Norway in September. The last dance for this year will be held in
October. The High School is providing students to help people who are in need of
having their storm windows installed, lawns raked, etc. The Medicare D seminar is
coming up. The Senior Center participants will be able to enjoy authentic tea from
India in October.
V. Business
A. Council Meeting- Seniors met with members from the City Council to discuss
having the Center open on Fridays. The Council would like to see the Seniors
provide some of the funds to help pay the approximate cost of $12,000 to add
Fridays back into the schedule. The advisory board spent some time discussing
available options for raising funds. After much discussion, the board asked that
the budget numbers be brought to the October meeting and they could have a
better idea of how much the seniors should contribute toward keeping the
Center open an extra day. The topic was then tabled until the October meeting.
B. Dances- The dancers would like to go back to having dances on a monthly
basis. The advisory board agreed that that would be the goal but participation
has to increase first for that to happen. It was also suggested that maybe we try
some different types of music to draw interest from younger seniors.
VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 11:20am with a second from Rick.
The motion passed.
Next Meeting: Monday, October 22 at 10:00 a.m. - John McRaith, Secretary