01-23-2012 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes January 23, 2012 Present: Cliff Swanson, Carrol Olson, Julie Jensen, Judy Klawitter, Warren Schuft, Rick Reiner City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Harriet Sturges, Louise Jessen I. The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Carrol Olson IL Secretary's Report: The November minutes were examined. Rick made a motion to approve the minutes and Warren seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: September reported the current bank balance is $10482 and that there is one check still outstanding. Last month's deposit was $3926. The treasurer's report was extended to recap fundraising for 2011. The source and amount raised included the following: dance floor rental- $1350, chair cover rental - $1250, pool concessions- $202, tax preparation donations- $589, dish cloth sales - $71, dish rentals- $576, card sales- $1878, for a total of $5917. A total of 5906 cards were sold in 2011. A new treasurer will be chosen at the February meeting. Rick made a motion to accept the report with a second from Warren. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported $1394 in revenue over expenses for tours in 2011. She also informed the group that the December 2nd trip to Crown College was sold out. The January 18th tour to the Old Log Theater went but did not have a full bus. The February 16th excursion to St. Ben's currently has 30 people registered. Julie has arranged a trip to two flower shows for March 27th and already has 39 people signed up. She is currently putting the finishing touches on the May and June tours, one of which will be stepping aboard the University of Minnesota Centennial Showboat for a dining experience and a presentation on Mark Twain. B. Update on Programs- September reported that approximately 75 people showed up for the New Year's parry. The Center's video tour for January landed the group in London. During the next couple months the Planet Earth videos will be showing weekly. These films cover many different facets of nature around the world and some of the camera shots are breathtaking. The movie "The Help" was shown and was well received. V. Business A. Welcome to New Board Members- The year begins with two new members joining the advisory board. Judy Klawitter and Warren Schuft will be filling in the spots vacated by Phyllis Birkholz and Randy Bullert. A note of thanks for all the efforts of our outgoing members. B. Fundraising- September reported that the new budget requires some increase in revenues. To assist in that endeavor the Center is considering potential fundraisers. One such event will be a musical presentation coming up this summer. Tickets will be sold for $7 each and proceeds of the show will benefit the Senior Center. The board was asked to ponder other possible fundraisers that would assist in meeting the new budget requirements. C. Internet Upgrade- The Center currently has internet that is very slow and does not allow for streaming content. It was proposed to upgrade the system to a higher speed and then drop the cable tv contract. In addition, the Center could potentially sign on with Netflix to get their monthly movies. September will look into this further. Warren made a motion that the system be upgraded with a second from Rick. The motion passed unanimously. D. Kitchen Renovations- To make the Center more user friendly, the City is considering possible upgrades to the kitchen area. The hope is that this will allow a caterer to cook on site and provide a new revenue stream for the Center. The City is also considering the possibility of moving the senior nutrition program to the Event Center site. These proposals are still in the idea stage and no definite plans are in place at this time. VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 11:59am with a second from Rick. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, February 27th at 10:00 a.m. - John McRaith, Secretary