11-24-2008 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes November 24, 2008 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Phyllis Birkholz, Louise Jessen, Carrol Olson, Cliff Swanson, Randy Bullert City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman II. Secretary’s Report: The October minutes were examined. Louise made a motion to approve and Phyllis seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a current balance of $9208.33. Income included $190 from card sales and $1491 from pool concessions this past summer. Another $300 came in from the sale of the pool table. Cliff made a motion to approve the report and it was seconded by Carroll. Motion approved. IV. Old Business th A.Tours- “Church Basement Ladies” on February 4 is filling nicely with a few openings left. Waiting lists will be kept at the Center in case people need to cancel. Participants must find their own replacement, however. Trips for next st year now include a February 21 tour to see the Lippizzaner Stallions at the Target Center followed by a meal at Famous Dave’s. Exactly one month later, st on March 21, a group will head to Buffalo for “Branson on the Road” with a th church dinner afterwards. This December 14 brings us a tour to Cannon Falls for a Christmas show and dinner. The board discussed whether nametags would be useful for trips. While the name tags will assist people in socializing with each other, they would also be good for medical identification purposes. B.Update on Programs- A New Year’s Eve party is being planned at noon on st December 31 as the token beginning of the new year (it’s easier than staying up until midnight). September has begun scheduling dances for the new year. December will bring movies with a Christmas theme. The book clubs are discussing how new books will be chosen after the first of the year. Bone Builders is still popular, but the purchase of extra weights will not be necessary as many participants are buying their own. The Newsletter renewal fee will remain at $8 a year or $15 for two years. The October newsletter is thinner than normal due to Kathy’s resignation. C.Hot Water Booster- The hot water booster for the dishwasher has been installed and paid for. V.New Business A.New Board Members- Harriet Sturges and Rick Reiner submitted applications to join the board and their names will be forwarded to the Mayor for approval. John and June Lyman will be off the board after this year. B.Holiday Party- This year there will not be a Christmas party. Instead, there will be some special Christmas movie selections and a New Year’s Eve party instead. C.City Stamping of Envelopes- The City of Hutchinson was looking for some volunteers to stamp a large number of envelopes. September volunteered the Center to help out. D.December Board Meeting- December bills will be paid with the board’s approval as the board will not be meeting in December. E.Recognition of John & June Lyman- The Lymans were presented with a certificate of appreciation for their six years of service to the Senior Advisory Board. Their assistance and positive attitudes will be missed. VI. Adjournment: Randy made a motion to adjourn at 10:40am with a second from Phyllis. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, January 19th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary