06-23-2008 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes
June 23, 2008
Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Julie Jensen, Phyllis Birkholz, Louise Jessen, Carrol
Olson, Cliff Swanson
City Staff: September Jacobsen, Kathy Hemmah, John McRaith
Absent: Randy Bullert
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman
II. Secretary’s Report: The May minutes were examined. June made a motion to
approve and Louise seconded the motion. Motion was approved.
III. Treasurer’s Report: September reported a current balance of $4801.54. Funds came
from cards ($46), Dance ($75) and a reimbursement for a tour ($315) and several
smaller fees. September reported also that the first dish rentals are happening and it
has been going pretty well so far. Cliff made a motion to approve the report and it
was seconded by June. Motion approved
IV. Old Business
A.Tours- A group traveled to the Lakewood Cemetery and it went well. The July
8 trip to a mansion and river cruise is sold out. The August 19 Mystery tour
also has a large waiting list. The State fair trip is planned for August 28. A
Sept. 9 trip to the Minnesota Zoo still has a couple openings left. In October
they will be heading to a senior expo at Mille Lacs Lake. The medical issue
arose again and reemphasized that we need to have contact information in case
of an emergency.
B.Update on Programs- Kathy is looking at different ways to fundraise for the
quilt. A raffle at the county fair would be good but would require someone with
a license to let us operate under their license. Knitting for the troops is quiet for
the summer. They are going to start knitting blankets as a new project. Mary at
the library is looking for new ways to attract seniors. Kathy suggested that arm
chair travel videos might be popular. Kathy is considering some new movie
ideas with perhaps two movies a month.
C.Wii Game and Bean Bag Toss- The Wii game has been purchased and needs to
be set up. A bean bag toss game has also been acquired. Both games are
intended to encourage physical activity.
V. New Business
A.New Senior Employee- September reported that they are in need of some
volunteers to help cover the front desk to answer phones until they get another
senior work program placement.
VI. Adjournment: Louise made a motion to adjourn at 11:11am with a second from
Carrol. The motion passed.
Next Meeting: Monday, July 21 at 10:00 a.m.
John McRaith, Secretary