04-28-2008 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes April 28, 2008 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Julie Jensen, Randy Bullert , Phyllis Birkholz, Louise Jessen, Cliff Swanson City Staff: September Jacobsen, Kathy Hemmah, John McRaith Absent: Carrol Olson I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman II. Secretary’s Report: The March minutes were examined. June made a motion to approve and Randy seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a current balance of $6576.99. Revenue came from cards ($67), Dance ($79), Angels ($20), Tax Donations ($120), and a memorial donation ($100). Phyllis made a motion to approve the report and it was seconded by Louise. Motion approved IV. Old Business th A.Tours- The Minnesota history tour on April 16 went well and eventually was th sold out. The May tour heading to the Orange City tulip festival on May 28 is sold out also. A group will be traveling to the Lakewood Cemetery and that th still has a few openings. The July 8 river cruise is sold out. A mystery tour th planned for August 19 is about to be advertised. Julie reported that we are having some issues with the bus company but that we hope to work things out. The history tour had a medical incident.While things turned out okay, Julie felt that we should have contact information on participants in case of an emergency. This could apply to all visitors to the Senior Center also. B.Update on Programs- Kathy has been unavailable due to court duty. September th reported that the Fellowship dinner will be moved to May 19. Various programs are on hold until her return while other activities are still taking place. With summer approaching, the Center is searching for pool concessions volunteers. The book clubs are going great. The Senior Nutrition Program is wondering about the possibility of advertising in the senior newsletter. The volunteer luncheon was well attended and went off without any problems. C.Popcorn Popper- The board heard about several options for a new popcorn popper. After some discussion September was asked to run it by Kathy and then make a purchase. The cost should be under $500. V. New Business A.Health Programs- Donna Whitcomb and Les Nelson were present and gave a presentation about senior health and fitness. Donna, who works with Augustana Retired Senior Volunteer Program, spoke about a grant from the health care provider, Prime West. This grant is intended to assist seniors in staying healthy and living in their own homes. As part of this grant the Senior Center will be assisted in starting programs called Bone Builders and Stand Up and Be Strong. In addition, Les Nelson spoke about his involvement in working as a liaison between senior homeowners and contractors. He recommends different items that would assist the elderly in their homes, such as grab bars or exercise equipment, and then helps negotiate with contractors for installation B.Dance Floor Screws- Randy noted that they have had some issues with screws not being turned in all the way on the dance floor and causing a tripping hazard. Joe is working on a solution to avoid the problem. C.Star & Tribune Renewal- The Board approved purchasing the newspaper for another year. D.WII Virtual Gaming - September is interested in providing computerized games that involve physical movement at the Senior Center. She is checking into the possibilities of providing games like tennis and bowling which simulate the actual game and require the same movements. The board felt that this would be a great new activity. E.Pool Table- September asked the board if they were interested in setting up the pool table in an unoccupied room when the space became available. The board felt that since the room would not be usable for anything else, it would be best to just sell the table. John will check into putting it on E-Bay. F.Sanitizer Dispenser in Activity Room- September felt that it would be a good idea to put a dispenser in the activity room so that participants would have the opportunity to clean up if necessary. The board agreed. VI. Adjournment: Louise made a motion to adjourn at 11:14am with a second from Cliff. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, May 19th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary