03-24-2008 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes March 24, 2008 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Julie Jensen, Randy Bullert , Phyllis Birkholz, Louise Jessen, Carrol Olson, Cliff Swanson City Staff: September Jacobsen, Kathy Hemmah, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman II. Secretary’s Report: The February minutes were examined. Louise made a motion to approve and Phyllis seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a current balance of $5540.85. This large drop from the February balance of $10,495 was due to payment for the dishes purchased for the Event Center. From this point forward, we should be looking at revenues instead of expenses for this project. IV. Old Business A.Tours- Julie reported that the trip to see the “Landmarks” tour with visits to the Basillica and the St. Paul Cathedral went well. The Minnesota History tour still th has openings for April 16 but will be going. The May tour heading to the th Orange City tulip festival on May 28 is sold out. A group will be traveling to the Lakewood Cemetery and that still has a few openings. Upcoming trips are set for the remainder of the year and Julie continues to do a great job of choosing activities that are popular with the seniors. B.Update on Programs- Kathy reported that last Friday was quiet with the snow th hitting the Center. April 24 is the volunteer appreciation lunch. A new program “FYI” will be starting and this activity will feature information on various topics. The first will be on hearing loss. These seminars will be mostly on health and well being. An upcoming seminar will be on Shingles. The quilting project is coming along nicely. A second quilt has been started also, and that one will go to a place that works with people who have lost a child. The family receives a quilt as a remembrance of the event. The movie “Away th from Her” will be viewed by Pals Without Secret on April 8. V. New Business A.Rick Reiner- Rick is interested in donating some funds in memory of his mother. September left a message with Rick that the board will accept the funds and inform him when a decision is made on what the funds will be used for. B.Board Elections- John Lyman was elected to chair the group for another year. Randy agreed to stay on as treasurer and John McRaith will continue to be a secretary. Phyllis was appointed as vice chair as Julie Jensen’s replacement. C.Popcorn Machine Replacement- September is getting numbers on a replacement popper for the Center. She will report back with estimates. VI. Adjournment: Randy made a motion to adjourn at 11:07am with a second from Louise. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, April 28th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary