01-28-2008 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes January 28, 2008 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Cliff Swanson, Julie Jensen, Randy Bullert , Phyllis Birkholz, Louise Jessen, Carrol Olson City Staff: September Jacobsen, Kathy Hemmah, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman II. Secretary’s Report: The November minutes were examined. Louise made a motion to approve and Randy seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a current balance of $16449.98. The various programs were analyzed by September for profit and loss. The wool hat project netted a cost of $151, Christmas Angels brought in $869 before expenses, the AARP tax donations amounted to $397, card sales netted $1464, dances showed a profit of $284, and tours brought in $1327 over expenses. Randy made a motion to accept the report with a second from Cliff. The motion was approved. IV. Old Business A.Tours- There were 13 tours scheduled in 2007 and all but the January tour were sold out. There were two December tours to Crown College and Orchestra Hall. Everything went well but the group did experience a medical emergency for the first time. In January a group went to Chanhassen and they were very impressed with the production of “Joseph and the Amazing, Technicolored rd Dream Coat”. The next tour up is the February 23 tour to the Bloomington Arts Center to see “The Fantasticks” and have the opportunity to dine at Bakers Square. Upcoming trips planned include an April trip to the Minnesota History Center, a May trip to Orange City, Iowa, for the tulip festival, and a trip to Lakewood Cemetery after Memorial Day. Julie has events planned all the way through September already so 2008 is looking very positive! B.Update on Programs- Kathy reported that they are currently working on creating a book of grandparents sayings, phrases, and poems. The goal is put together all these familiar sayings from the older generation and turn around and sell the book at cost. This is one way we can preserve our heritage. Kathy also mentioned that the Wool Hat group sent out 140 hats before Christmas and 59 more after. The group is still producing hats and will have another shipment ready soon. The Red Hat Tea is coming up in February and will feature a fashion show. The current book club has 22 participants and is considering splitting the group because it is too hard to find enough books for everyone in the group. John and June said they have a set of DVD’s called “Planet Earth” that would be great to show at the Event Center. Pals without Secrets will be meeting again this next month and tax preparations are beginning at the Center. Since they are now meeting all year, Christmas Angels have decided to rename their group Creative Angels. C.Annual Invoices- Direct TV, the internet, and coffee are sponsored by the board. The total cost is a little over $1000 this year. D.Dishes- September is currently working on the agreement for dish rentals. The plan is to charge $3 a setting for a buffet dinner or $5 for a sit down dinner. As part of this agreement, the board recommended that use of Event Center dishes should be mandatory and not an option for rentals using dishes and flatware. This will also be brought up with City staff. We are still in need of trays to help store the glasses. The cost will be approximately $750. Louise made a motion that we purchase the trays and Cliff seconded the motion. It was approved. E.Dishwasher Installation- September reported that the dishwasher has been installed. V. New Business A.New Board Member- Carrol Olson was welcomed to the board as Julie Jensen’s replacement. Julie left the board after serving the maximum two terms. Julie will continue to participate at meetings as our tour coordinator. VI. Adjournment: Randy made a motion to adjourn at 10:55am with a second from June. The motion passed. th Next Meeting: Monday, February 25th at 10:00 a.m. (Presidents Day on 18) John McRaith, Secretary