08-20-2007 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes August 20, 2007 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Cliff Swanson, Julie Jensen, Randy Bullert , Phyllis Birkholz City Staff: John McRaith, September Jacobsen, Kathy Hemmah Absent: Robert Cogley I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman rd II.Secretary’s Report: The July 23 minutes were examined. Randy made a motion to approve and Cliff seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported a current balance of $7388.08. Income from card sales and Christmas Angels was $145.50. This month’s dance was an expense item on the ledger showing an $81 loss. Phyllis made a motion to accept the report with a second from June. Motion was approved. IV. Old Business A.Tours- Julie reported that the trip to Guthrie and the dinner turned out well. She felt the new Guthrie Theater is not exactly senior friendly as it was poorly lit and steeply graded. While she would not discourage future trips, there are extra concerns when bringing elderly people to this venue. The State Fair trip, which is a full 12 hour event from 7:30a-7:30p is at capacity. In September, a group will be traveling to the St. James Hotel in Red Wing with a great noon luncheon, a pottery demonstration, and a tour of the city. Also this fall, a group will be traveling to Brainerd to see a vaudeville show. That tour currently has th 17 on the wait list. Julie has scheduled a trip on November 7 tour to the Science Museum to see “Pompeii”, which includes an Omni theater presentation. This tour has 17 openings left. A December trip to Orchestra Hall for a holiday concert and dinner at the Hilton has also been scheduled. Julie is th planning a January 16 trip to Chanhassen for their rendition of “Joseph and the Amazing, Technicolored Dream Coat”. On another note, September and Julie will be discussing a new contract with R & J Tours this week to provide transportation for upcoming tours. We will probably be looking at higher fees. B.Update on Programs- Kathy reported that the pool concessions went well this summer. She needs more people to volunteer as we lost quite a few this past season. The movie this month was “Sweet Land” and she made Black Cows for the treat. A Knitting for the Troops group is making hats that the soldiers wear under their helmets that draw away the moisture. The Book club is going out for lunch at Peters as part of their Civil War outing in Litchfield, which will include a visit to their museum. The Senior Expo is the last Tuesday in September. “Pals without Secrets” currently has five members and they saw the play “Bye Bye Birdie” and went out to eat. C.Cancellation Fee- September discussed the possibility of charging a fee for canceling from a tour to help cover administrative costs. Randy made a motion seconded by June that we charge $3 for cancellation from a tour. The motion was approved. D. View Dishes- The board looked at different samples of dinnerware that the Center is considering to purchase. The Seniors will be assisting in the purchase of these items and in return will receive a share of the profits from their rental. E. Fan for Pool Concessions- Kathy and September will purchase a fan for the concessions area which will be paid for out of the Recreation Center budget. F. Refrigerator Update- We may need to look at updating the refrigerator in the future. The liner on the current one is wearing out. G. First Class Mail- The newsletter has been sent by bulk until now but delivery has been unpredictable. The board decided that the rate should increase for a subscription to $8 per year and that first class delivery would begin this December. V. New Business A.Other- No other business was acted upon. VI. Adjournment: Randy made a motion to adjourn at 11:40am with a second from Cliff. The motion passed. th Next Meeting: Monday, September 17 at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary