02-26-2007 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes February 26, 2007 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Robert Cogley, Cliff Swanson, Randy Bullert, Julie Jensen City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah Absent: Phyllis Birkholz I. The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman nd II.Secretary’s Report: The January 22 minutes were examined. Bob made a motion to approve and Cliff seconded the motion. Motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Randy reported that the current balance is $7473.34. A deposit was just made today to bring the balance to over $8600. The current balance on our CD is $10,290.83. Card sales were $222 for this past month. June made a motion to accept the report with a second from Julie. Motion was approved. IV. Old Business A.Tours- The Old Log Theater trip was held. Julie reported that the food was much improved. A trip to Chanhassen is planned for next week. The Amish tour in May has one space left and the mystery tour in April is sold out. A boat trip on the St. Croix will be advertised soon. There have been requests to see top of the line entertainers but the cost would be in the range of $100 per person and the money would need to be paid six months in advance. It was felt that this may be too difficult to run and fill a bus to capacity. B.Update on Programs- Kathy reported that the quilt is turning out beautifully. The quilters are actually teaching others as they do the project. The fellowship dinner last month had 117 participants and the February dinner has 89. Movie week was popular so we’re having two movies this next time. They will be “Babel” and “Man of the Year”. The valentine candy was all sold or used for a Red Hat gathering. Someone has offered to help seniors with e-mail or the internet. The volunteer appreciation luncheon is coming up. Kathy is currently rd working on a theme for the gathering. April 23 is the date scheduled for the event. The book club is large and going well. The group is planning to go to “Books and Beans” which is a new store located in Silver Lake. C.Senior E-Bay- The board discussed whether to continue trying to sell donated items as a fundraiser. Items of significant value have not been forthcoming. It’s already in the newsletter for next month so we’ll evaluate after that. V. New Business A.Duplicate Bridge- A member is interested in developing a duplicate bridge tournament. Kathy will follow up and see if there is enough interest. B.Dawson Ministries- A Christian musical group would like to put on a performance for Hutchinson seniors. Part of the program would include testimonials about the Christian faith. The board felt that this would not be appropriate for this type of gathering. C.Other- John wondered whether the Center had wheelchairs available for use. September informed the group that two chairs were accessible when needed. VI. Adjournment: Randy made a motion to adjourn at 10:57am with a second from Cliff. The motion passed. th Next Meeting: Monday, March 19 at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary