06-19-2006 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes June 19, 2006 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Liz Tokarczyk, Phyllis Birkholz, Julie Jensen City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah, Randy Bullert Absent: Robert Cogley I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chairman John Lyman II. Secretary's Report: The May 15th minutes were examined. Liz made a motion to approve and Randy seconded the motion. Motion approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Randy reported income last month of $676.75 with a current balance of $13414.92 in the savings account. John recommended having the CD, which is valued at $10,000, as an item to be listed also. Phylis made a motion to approve the report with a second from Liz. Motion approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the Senior Center has sponsored 18 tours this year with seven having already been completed. All tours have been sold out thus far. We have already made two trips to see "Church Basement Ladies" with another planned for October. The "Body World" exhibit tour will take place on August 7th. Como Park is sold out for June 20th. The Ikea trip on July 11th still has 23 openings. The Boat Cruise and Famous Dave's dining experience is sold out. B. Update on Programs- Kathy reported that "Healthy Eating" continues to draw interest with new topics popping up each month. The last movie week was very popular so another one will be scheduled. The movies will include "The New World", "Eight Below", "World's Fastest Indian", and "Failure to Launch". Kathy would like to obtain some new popcorn containers as some have disappeared over time. June made a motion to purchase them with a second from Randy. The motion passed unanimously. Father's Day Bingo was held last Friday with each father given a paper tie. Over 40 people participated in the event. Christmas Angels have started up again with a project creating tooth holders. They are used to enclose children's baby teeth before they are left under the pillow for a visit from the "Tooth Fairy". The Fellowship Dinner fee needs to be adjusted. The fee was $6 and the board felt that $7 would be very appropriate for the quality of the meal. Gift certificates for two free dinners will be drawn for at the meal instead of cash. A group has started playing dominos at the Center now. A four-foot round table would be good for this game. C. Update on Wall Renovation - Cornerstone Contractors came in with a complete bid of $4800 for the entire project including electrical. September reported that she is waiting on another bid before going ahead with the project. Cornerstone would be able to start immediately. D. Food Processor for Kathy- The processor arrived. The cost was $213, which provided the Center with a stainless steel, quality machine with lots of features. E. Microsoft Word for Senior Center Computers- September reported that the Word program would be over $200 or we could get the Office package for under $400. John McRaith will check further but for now the plan is to buy just Word. F. Fishing Outing- The fishing expedition for seniors was very popular and had to be limited this year due to the high registration. This activity is sponsored by the Hutchinson Police Department. V. New Business A. Window in the Senior Center- September reported that seniors have requested a window in the activity area at the Center. They would like some natural light if possible. September will be checking into it. B. LCD Projector- The Senior Center could use their own LCD projector as the Event Center projector may be in use for certain events. Randy made a motion to buy a projector specifically for Senior Center use. June seconded the motion. The motion was approved. C. Other: September wanted to know if she should reserve space for a rummage sale in 2007. After some discussion, the board felt that the income generated was not worth the efforts expended and decided not to host the sale. VI. Adjournment: Liz made a motion to adjourn at 11 :24am with a second from June. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, July 17th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary