01-23-2006 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes January 23, 2006 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Julie Jensen, Liz Tokarczyk, Robert Cogley, Randy Bullert City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Cathy Hemmah Absent: Phyllis Birkholz I. The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. by vice-chairman Julie Jensen II. Secretary's Report: The December 19th minutes were examined. John Lyman made the motion to approve and Liz seconded the motion. Motion approved. III. Treasurer's Report: The treasurer's position is currently open on the board. September went over information on the current bank balance and reported revenue of $176 from this past month's card sales. John made a motion to accept the report with a second from Liz. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that there is an upcoming trip to the Women's Expo, a trip to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre (which still has a few openings), a Candy & Flowers tour in March, and boat tours this summer. Julie is putting out feelers for another potential Hutterite tour and a possible trip to Fort Snelling. New board member Randy Bullert was brought up to speed on various tour policies and procedures. B. Update on Programs- The Fellowship dinner was held as a brunch in December with very positive results. The only difficulty was having everything prepared so early in the day. Secret Pals is starting up again this month. This group does activities throughout the year and includes doing special things for your "secret pal". You discover who your pal is at an end-of-the-year get together. A group that formed with the goal of "Taking Control of Blood Sugar" is going very well. A quilting class on was held on January 23rd. A senior volunteer showed participants how to produce a "Dresden Plate" quilted wall hanging. There will be a movie week in February with all new releases. The Senior Center will celebrate the "Birth of Popcorn" on February 6th with a special activity. V. New Business A. Senior Advisory Board Officer Selection- On a motion made by Liz and seconded by Bob, John Lyman was chosen as chairperson for the upcoming year. On a motion made by John and seconded by Bob, Julie Jensen was selected as vice-chair. On a motion made by Liz and seconded by Julie, Randy Bullert was chosen as the new treasurer. On a motion made by Julie and seconded by John Lyman, John McRaith was selected to be the board's secretary . B. Trailblazer Funding- September reported that this past year we used up our allowance of funding from United Way for Trailblazer tokens. While we are in good shape presently with the start of a new year, the issue may be brought up at a future date if funding runs out before the end of 2006. C. Other- September created some charts and statistics showing the group what our fundraising looks like. The information showed what a great j ob seniors are doing in raising money for senior activities. Liz brought up the idea of having some card-playing teachers available to teach newcomers. The card groups now in existence tend to be for people who already know the game. VI. Adj ournment: John made a motion to adj ourn at 11: 16am with a second from June. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, February 2ih (20th is President's Day) at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary