05-16-2005 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes May 16, 2005 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Julie Jensen, Robert Cogley, Liz Tokarczyk Jim Hanson, Lorraine Zajicek City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by chairman Jim Hanson. II. Secretary's Report: The minutes from the April 18th meeting were reviewed. John made a motion to accept the minutes. Liz seconded the motion and it was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Lorraine reported expenses of $322.45, which included decorations for the volunteer luncheon, card supplies, and the Star Tribune subscription, among other items. On the revenue side, the garage sale made close to $500, and the Center also had income from cards, a dance floor rental, and the last dance. June made a motion to accept the report, which was seconded by Liz. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Tours are sold out through September. Even a trip to the Eagle Center in November is half full already. The weakest tour at this point is the trip to Mystic Lake Casino, which has three registered at this time but is not scheduled to take place until October. September displayed a potential name badge that Julie could wear on trips. It was felt that the tag name was too difficult to read so September will do some more investigating. The board felt that a blazer may also be appropriate to help make her more visible. B. Program Update- The pool volunteer schedule is almost full for the entire summer. Good weather makes a big difference at the pool. May is national Blood Pressure month. The Center will be sponsoring a blood pressure check on May 25th from 9-10:30am. "Canasta" will begin this week with 16 people already signed up. A Mother's Day celebration was held on May 9th. Attendance was good with 30-40 people attending. A Father's Day celebration will be held in June. The Book Club now has 16 members. The April fellowship dinner had over 100 people attending making it the largest ever. The movie for May will be "Aviator" and will be shown on May 26 and 27 at 1:00pm. C. Cards- The sale of cards amounted to $227.50 for April. Sales were up by over 50% from last year at this time. An article by the Hutchinson Leader helped spur sales. D. Dancing- The April dance was held on April2ih. The dance attendance went over the 100 mark. The profit was $239 for this dance. A motion was made by June to pay someone up to $40 to set up and tear down the dance floor for each dance, and the motion was seconded by John. The motion passed. This money will be used to pay someone to help Joe do the setup. Bob made a motion to order some more pieces for the edge of the dance floor, which John seconded. This motion also passed. These pieces will allow the group to rent the floor for off-site dances as well as providing two dance floors simultaneously at the Event Center. A rental agreement will be drawn up for off-site rentals. V. New Business A. Sponsor Special Events- Kathy asked if the board would be willing to sponsor some special events that do not involve major costs so that a participant charge could be avoided. Currently, each program is expected to cover its costs. Having the board sponsor particular events would be a way for the board to show support for the participants in these events. An example that is already in place would be the annual volunteer luncheon that the advisory board underwrites. No action was taken. B. Other- The issue of where the profits go if a Senior Center tour makes money, which happened quite regularly in 2004, was brought up. Currently, profits from any program run by the Center go into the City operational budget for the Center. These revenues are used to offset Senior Center expenses and help to lessen the overall cost of running the Senior Center. Dolf Moon, director of the department, could be made available for a future meeting if the Board would like a more detailed look at the budget. At this time the board did not feel that was necessary. VI. Adjournment: John made a motion to adjourn at 11 :31am with a second from Liz. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, June 20th, at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary