03-28-2005 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes March 28, 2005 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Julie Jensen, Lorraine Zajicek, Robert Cogley Liz Tokarczyk City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah Absent: Jim Hanson Guest: Mayor Steve Cook I. The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by vice-chairman Julie Jensen. II. Secretary's Report: The February 28th minutes were examined. Julie noted that "Holt Tours" should be "RJ Tours" in several instances. Lorraine made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections. John seconded the motion and it was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Lorraine reported income from the dance floor rental of $280. This, along with dance income, cards, and tax work donations, resulted in a deposit of $1098 this month. A motion was made by John and seconded by June to accept the treasurer's report. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- The Cordon Bleu cooking school trip was very successful and will probably be considered again in the future. Travel service provided by RJ Tours was good. Details still need to be worked out in the RJ Tours agreement as far as what is given back to the Senior Center when one of our members goes on an RJ Tour. Financially, the new arrangement is working well and there has been no drop in the level of service. Upcoming trips include the Old Log Theater on April 14th which is sold out, a May 24th trip to the arboretum which still has I10penings , a June 29th Afton trip which is sold out, along with Hiawatha light rail and mystery tours which are just being advertised. Julie is going to check out a couple of travel shows to help determine upcoming trips. Julie felt that a cell phone would be very helpful when on a tour. September recommended a trac phone that has a certain number of minutes similar to a calling card. John made a motion which was seconded by Liz that the board purchase a phone for that expressed purpose. The motion was approved. Julie will pick the phone up. B. Program Update- The Granddaughter Tea had a low turnout but those in attendance enjoyed the event. It was felt that a change to summer would give grandparents better access to their grandchildren. Movie attendance was good with 64 participants attending viewings of "Ladder 49", "Ray", and "The Notebook". The introduction of the card game "Canasta" has been postponed until May. A luncheon honoring volunteers at the Center will be held on April 13th. A signup for summer pool concessions volunteers will be held as part of the event. C. Cards- The Event Center sold 240 cards in February so we continue to do an excellent job of raising funds through this craft effort. D. Dancing- The March dance had 71 participants. We are doing quite well financially on dance floor rentals and dances. E. Senior Rummage Sale- John recommended using pre-made labels to price items. The Advisory Board will work at this event. The sale will be held on Thursday, April ih, from 8:00am until 4:00pm. Pricing items will take place on Monday, April 4th at 10:00 am. V. New Business A. Tax Service- The tax preparer has been overloaded this year. To do this in the future we really need to have two people. They are required to go through training and pass a test. The Board will check with AARP to see if we can find more volunteers to help with this program. We do not charge a fee but we do accept donations for this service. B. Other- Mayor Cook asked about senior transportation. United Way provides funds to help pay for transportation for senior programming. Each person may receive up to five free tokens each week to help get them to activities within the community. The program is not intended for medical visits or trips to the grocery store. It has been provided as an incentive to keep seniors active. Steve was wondering if there is any potential for a separate service for the Center since the current system doesn't offer service after 5:00 pm. VI. Adj ournment: John made a motion to adj ourn at 11: 15am with a second from Liz. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, April 18th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary