01-24-2005 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes January 24, 2005 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Julie Jensen, Liz Tokarczyk, Robert Cogley City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Absent: Jim Hanson, Lorraine Zajicek, Kathy Hemmah I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by vice-chairman Julie Jensen II. Secretary's Report: The December 20th minutes were examined. John Lyman made the motion to approve and June Lyman seconded the motion. Motion approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Craft materials were purchased at a cost of $216.22. Revenue for the month included $291.22 from crafts and cards. The current balance is $26,827.03. Liz Tokarczyk made the motion to approve the treasurer's report with a second from John Lyman. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Women's Expo- The trip went on a very cold day, January 14th. A couple people were missing because of the weather but the event was well attended and went off as planned. B. R & J Tour Proposal- R & J Tours is interested in working with the advisory board on senior trips. They would be willing to provide service at 1/3 off of our current costs. They will donate travel bucks back to the Senior Center for people who go on one of their trips after hearing about an R & J Tour on one of our trips. In return for these benefits, R & J will put brochures on our tour buses to promote their tours. The board felt that our customers will be the main beneficiaries of this arrangement so it would be worthwhile. A motion to begin running our senior trips through R & J Tours was made by Liz and seconded by June. The motion carried. C. Upcoming Tours- The trip to the Chanhassen is booked full, and the trip to the cooking school has only five openings left. Julie is planning a visit to the Eagle Center in Wabasha for November. She would also like to do a trip involving light rail transportation, possibly to the Mall of America. A trip to the Minnesota Arboretum and separate visit to Como Park will be planned as soon as construction on new facilities is completed at those locations. D. Program Update- Kathy has been ill recently so September gave the update. The Red Hat Society is having a tea party in February. The next scheduled dance is on January 26th from 1-4pm. Dances are scheduled for six months out. V. New Business A. Introduction of Steve Cook as the new Mayor- Steve was unable to attend and will try to make it in the near future. B. Dance Floor Policies- September has rented the floor out for the first time. A policy still needs to be written up and she hopes to have that done in time for our February meeting. C. Other- The Senior Advisory Board will reimburse the City $962.80 for internet, cable television, and coffee in 2004. September invited the group to check out the new cabinets installed in one of the program rooms. The Center had received a donation of videotapes. It was suggested that these movies become the basis for a video library. September will put something in an upcoming newsletter requesting video donations for the library. VI. Adjournment: June made a motion to adjourn at 11: 16am with a second from John. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, February 28th (21st is President's Day) at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary