09-20-2004 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes September 20, 2004 Present: John Lyman, June Lyman, Lorraine Zajicek, Julie Jensen, Liz Tokarczyk Jim Hanson, Robert Cogley. City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Kathy Hemmah. Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m. by chairman Jim Hansen II. Secretary's Report: The August 16th minutes were examined. Lorraine made the motion to approve and Liz seconded the motion. Motion approved. III. Treasurer's Report: The current balance is $27,888.75. Revenues included interest and a deposit from card sales. John Lyman made the motion to approve the treasurer's report with a second from Julie Jensen. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Update on Programs- Attendance at the last dance was 63 people for the August dance. The Apple-A-Day program was successful with 25-30 people attending. Texas Hold 'Em is continuing to be popular and Senior Center celebrated Grandparents Day this past month. The Fellowship Dinner was well attended with 85 participants. Secret Pals went on an outing to the Carlson Orchard. Five cent bingo has become self-sufficient with little need for supervision. A Red Hat fashion show drew 146 attendees and included some wonderful fashions. A ninth chapter is in the process of forming. Christmas Angels will be doing bath salts this next month. The Book Club has 16 members currently. Movies continue to be well attended. Movie for this month- "The Others". Pool concessions was down a little this year due to the cool weather. A check for the Senior Center should be coming shortly. B. Tour Update- The Minnesota Zephyr trip is tomorrow and is sold out with a waiting list. The Old Log Theater trip has 31 people currently and will definitely go. The show is "Tom, Dick, and Harry". The Mystery Tour is in November and is also sold out. The Crown College concert is scheduled in early December along with a mid-month visit to the Swedish Institute, which decorates a 33 room mansion for Christmas. A buffet luncheon will be served. The Women's Expo is January 14th and will be the first trip with the new payment policy which is to pay at the time of registration. C. Dance Floor Pricing- Board is considering purchase of additional dance floor material for the Event Center to help out at dances. September has not looked into pricing yet so the discussion was tabled. V. New Business A. Senior Expo- The McLeod County Senior Expo will be held next Tuesday, September 28th at the Event Center. The cost is $8 and participants will receive a meal along with the chance to attend three seminars and hear a keynote speaker. One of the seminars will be on Pilates and there will be two volunteers needed to help demonstrate the movements. Kathy requested that the Advisory Board purchase two tickets to the expo for the volunteers as a way of showing our appreciation. John made a motion to purchase tickets for the two helpers for the Pilates seminar. Julie seconded the motion and it was approved. B. Pool Table Cover- September felt that it would be a good idea to purchase some materials to cover the pool table when other events are being held. Card players would also like to use it for card playing. The board agreed to spend up to $100 to purchase the materials to accomplish this. Robert Cogley made the motion to approve which was seconded by Julie. It was agreed upon unanimously. VI. Adjournment: Liz made a motion to adjourn at 11 :08am with a second from Julie. The motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday, October 18th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary