11-30-2005 HUCM Regular Meeting November 30,2005 Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary David Wetterling; Commissioner Paul Ackland; Commissioner Steven Cook; General Manager Michael Kumm; Attorney Marc Sebora. President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2005 Regular Meeting with a change to Old Business: Commissioner Cook asked if the energy conservation fund will make a payment for underground conversions as it has done in the past. That will not be a part of the CIP program for 2006. There's about $100,000 in that fund that will be applied to rate classes in general. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Ackland questioned the payment to Department of Commerce for Direct Charges. Mike will talk with Attorney Gary Van Cleve as it relates to the appeal that is in process. Commissioner Ackland asked about the payment for college courses. We have a policy in place that states the Commission will provide financial assistance for successful completion of qualifying programs and courses. Courses must be job related for career advancement with the Utilities. Secretary Wetterling asked about the payment to Tom Mahoney. This payment is for services regarding the pipeline. Commissioner Cook asked if the Accounts Payable list could be put in check number order. Commissioner Walser informed the board that the bills are already sorted by the greatest amount to the least amount at Commission request previously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $2,690,951.17 (detailed listing in payable book). Vice-President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Manager Kumm explained two new forms that will be included in the monthly packets each month. The Electric and Gas Income Statement will show the monthly percentages, as well as the year-to-date percentages, of the gross margin and profit margin on the cost of goods sold, operating income, and net income per revenue dollar. It will also show the year-to-date operating revenue, non-operating revenue, cost of goods sold, operating income, and net income. Commissioner Cook asked if this information could be an added column to the cash flow statement showing the target ratios. Manager Kumm will include this in the cash flow statement each month. Manager Kumm explained that last month was the first time we read all the city's meters and with the change in the cycle to reading all the meters, the income statement looks disproportionate. This is a one-time change but it did cause an impact; however it had no bearing on the cash flow. The future expansion & development account is money that is reserved for the condemnation hearings. We'll know sometime in December as to the award in the appeals case. Commission President Lenz asked if it would be possible to set up a wire transfer for the New Ulm Transportation payment. John Webster will check into it. Commissioner Cook questioned some line items in the financials. One was the unemployment expense and the other was water/waste disposal. Manager Kumm explained that the unemployment expense was something HUC found out half way through the year. In addition he explained the water/waste disposal expense budgeted amount is with respect to generation. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve the financial statement and budget year to date. Vice-President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Sarah Young was welcomed to the meeting. She gave a presentation on 5-Sort Recycling program with McLeod County Solid Waste Management. She asked if we could insert the 1-page flier with our monthly bills in January. They would cover the costs of folding and sending the fliers to UIS (our out-sourcing agent) for stuffing in the January billing. We have a policy in place prohibiting any material that does not apply directly to HUC business. After discussion the commissioner's agreed that this is a great thing for the residents as well as the whole county, and believed the policy could be waived in this circumstance because it is a local government making the request. Commissioner Cook made a motion to approve the request from Sarah Young to insert 5-sort recycling stuffers in January utility bills. Commissoner Ackland seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. R W Beck gave a presentation on the Cost of Service Study. Vice-President Walser commended them for the thorough presentation. and thought out though complex, model that was applied. Change made :added 'presentation' and deleted rest of sentence see December 28, 2005 minutes. President Lenz was uncomfortable with the report. He would like to see a rate comparison on an annual basis with additional companies and use more than just one month. He was disappointed in the time of the final presentation since this has been on going since August of 2005. He felt it unacceptable especially since we got updated sections the same day as the meeting. This study is expensive and the delivery of the presentation was not what he had expected. Commissioner Ackland expressed his concern on the amount of material that there is to absorb. He'd like to meet with Manager Kumm and go over some questions that he has. There is no recommendation at this time. Commissioner Cook made a motion for a special meeting to be held on December 12, 2005 at 3:00 pm at the Event Center, with the joint meeting with City Council members to follow at 4:30 pm. Vice-President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Cook thanked R W Beck for their presentation; being able to see a breakdown of allocations; and for a formula that the utilities can use in on going studies. R W Beck apologized for the timing of the presentation and that Dave Berg would be at the joint meeting for future discussion. If the attorney's Dustin Cross or Reed Glawe have the award from the condemnation hearings by December 1 ih, we will have a closed meeting for discussion. Commissioner Cook made a motion to have a closed meeting after the special meeting on December 12, 2005, to discuss condemnation hearings at the event center. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Manager Kumm presented the 2006 budget for discussion. The budget is based on R W Beck's forecast. A rate change was not used in the budget, but it does show that a rate change is needed. We would need approval at the end of the month. Commissioner Cook liked the format and felt the information contained in it was very useful. Jan Sifferath explained the medical and dental insurance policy changes. The dental plan now has a $750 maximum which can be increased to $1,000 maximum at a 2.6% increase, which equates to $1.03 a month more for single and $1.92 a month more for family. The health plan would be a health-preventative change only. We presently have a $250 maximum on preventative care. We would change that to one physical exam covered at 100% and anything over that would be 80/20 split, with the HUC paying 80% and employees paying 20%. With the change in policy there will be a 16.3% increase. If we left the plan as it is with no change, there would still be a need for an increase of 15.5%. Union employees would have to vote on this change. If they vote against it, staff would have their own plan. Jan's recommendation is to have two plans: one for staff and one for union employees. The plans would not be hard to administer and this is also Berkley Risk' recommendation. This would not be a change to the union contract, which expires in the summer of 2007, just a policy change. This increase has been factored into the 2006 budget proposal. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to accept Jan Sifferath's recommendation to increase the health plan by 16.3%, increase the dental plan by 2.6% and to administer two plans if needed: one for union employees, and one for staff employees in the event that the union votes down the change. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Ackland reported on the committee meeting regarding the contribution to the City of Hutchinson. The recommendation is to provide up to a 5% increase, where 3% of the requested amount will be provided on January 1, 2006, followed by an additional 2% in October 2006. The 2% is contingent upon a formula being put in place in June and also the financial well being of HUC in October. A committee will be assigned by the Commission President to develop a formula to be adopted by June of 2006 at which time it will come to the Commission for approval. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to offer 3% by January 2006; President to appoint committee to adopt a formula and in October of 2006 additional 2%. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Division Reports: Business - Jan Sifferath Requisition #1568 for $11,994.34 for City of Hutchinson for 2005 Lawn Care Services. This is a once a year bill. Motion made by Vice President Walser to approve Requisition #1568 in the amount of $11,994.34 to City of Hutchinson for Lawn Care Services. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Insurance Planners do not have the renewal policies ready - will be on the December agenda. We received many thank-you cards, notes, pictures from the second graders who received the Halloween treats we presented to their classes in October. Teri Hofmeister and Jen Tramp in the Customer Service Department came up with an idea of doing a drawing for turkey if residents of Hutchinson bring in a non-perishable food item for the McLeod County Food Shelf. Will advertise this in the Hutchinson Leader as well as a small note on the December Utility bill. Gas - John Webster Dustin Cross was hoping the award would be in by Thanksgiving from the appeals process. There's a rumored possibility that we might have it by the end of this week. Will contact HUC Commissioners after we meet with the attorneys and the condemnation commissioners. Next week we will be sending out HUC calendars and natural gas safety facts to owners on the pipeline and their public officials. Ryan Ellenson on the gas department has developed a very good credibility relationship with the landowners on the pipeline. Discussion was held regarding the joint Christmas Party on December 16, 2005. The Commissioners agreed to pay employees and guest fees to attend. Concerns were raised regarding the laws on gifts to employees. Commissioner Walser advised this issue was addressed when the recognition banquet commenced. Manager Kumm met with McLeod Coop. It was a fact-finding meeting regarding future annexations. From the initial meeting they were very forthright with information. The election of officers for HUC will be in January. Commissioner Cook reported that City Council will be proposing Commissioner Ackland's replacement as his term will expire in December. Old Business BP Contract expires December 31, 2005. Meeting with BP on December 6 to discuss natural gas prices for generation. Changes to the existing contract are very straightforward, and BP has indicated verbally they are agreeable to the changes. Will come before the board next month. Commissioner Ackland inquired about the payment for Who's Who Director's from last month's payables. Jan Sifferath explained it was for an autobiography of herself and membership into the Manchester Who's Who Directories of Executives and Professionals. HUC opted to not buy the book, but we are members of it. New Business None Vice President Walser made a motion to adjourn at 6:43 pm. Commissioner Ackalnd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. David Wetterling, Secretary ATTEST Craig Lenz, President Regular Meeting November 30, 2005 Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary David Wetterling; Commissioner Paul Ackland; Commissioner Steven Cook; General Manager Michael Kumm; Attorney Marc Sebora. President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2005 Regular Meeting with a change to Old Business: Commissioner Cook asked if the energy conservation fund will make a payment for underground conversions as it has done in the past. That will not be a part of the CIP program for 2006. There's about $100,000 in that fund that will be applied to rate classes in general. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Ackland questioned the payment to Department of Commerce for Direct Charges. Mike will talk with Attorney Gary Van Cleve as it relates to the appeal that is in process. Commissioner Ackland asked about the payment for college courses. We have a policy in place that states the Commission will provide financial assistance for successful completion of qualifying programs and courses. Courses must be job related for career advancement with the Utilities. Secretary Wetterling asked about the payment to Tom Mahoney. This payment is for services regarding the pipeline. Commissioner Cook asked if the Accounts Payable list could be put in check number order. Commissioner Walser informed the board that the bills are already sorted by the greatest amount to the least amount at Commission request previously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $2,690,951.17 (detailed listing in payable book). Vice - President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Manager Kumm explained two new forms that will be included in the monthly packets each month. The Electric and Gas Income Statement will show the monthly percentages, as well as the year -to -date percentages, of the gross margin and profit margin on the cost of goods sold, operating income, and net income per revenue dollar. It will also show the year -to -date operating revenue, non - operating revenue, cost of goods sold, operating income, and net income. 3/ %a Commissioner Cook asked if this information could be an added column to the cash flow statement showing the target ratios. Manager Kumm will include this in the cash flow statement each month. Manager Kumm explained that last month was the first time we read all the city's meters and with the change in the cycle to reading all the meters, the income statement looks disproportionate. This is a one -time change but it did cause an impact; however it had no bearing on the cash flow. The future expansion & development account is money that is reserved for the condemnation hearings. We'll know sometime in December as to the award in the appeals case. Commission President Lenz asked if it would be possible to set up a wire transfer for the New Ulm Transportation payment. John Webster will check into it. Commissioner Cook questioned some line items in the financials. One was the unemployment expense and the other was water /waste disposal. Manager Kumm explained that the unemployment expense was something HUC found out half way through the year. In addition he explained the water /waste disposal expense budgeted amount is with respect to generation. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to approve the financial statement and budget year to date. Vice- President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Sarah Young was welcomed to the meeting. She gave a presentation on 5 -Sort Recycling program with McLeod County Solid Waste Management. She asked if we could insert the 1 -page flier with our monthly bills in January. They would cover the costs of folding and sending the fliers to UIS (our out- sourcing agent) for stuffing in the January billing. We have a policy in place prohibiting any material that does not apply directly to HUC business. After discussion the commissioner's agreed that this is a great thing for the residents as well as the whole county, and believed the policy could be waived in this circumstance because it is a local government making the request. Commissioner Cook made a motion to approve the request from Sarah Young to insert 5 -sort recycling stuffers in January utility bills. Commissoner Ackland seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. R W Beck gave a presentation on the Cost of Service Study. Vice - President Walser commended them for the thorough - , Fnedel that was iappliaEk Change made: presentation that was given. See Dec. 28, 2005 minutes President Lenz was uncomfortable with the report. He would like to see a rate comparison on an annual basis with additional companies and use more than just one month. He was disappointed in the time of the final presentation since this has been on going since August of 2005. He felt it unacceptable especially since we got updated S3 sections the same day as the meeting. This study is expensive and the delivery of the presentation was not what he had expected. Commissioner Ackland expressed his concern on the amount of material that there is to absorb. He'd like to meet with Manager Kumm and go over some questions that he has. There is no recommendation at this time. Commissioner Cook made a motion for a special meeting to be held on December 12, 2005 at 3:00 pm at the Event Center, with the joint meeting with City Council members to follow at 4:30 pm. Vice - President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Cook thanked R W Beck for their presentation; being able to see a breakdown of allocations; and for a formula that the utilities can use in on going studies. R W Beck apologized for the timing of the presentation and that Dave Berg would be at the joint meeting for future discussion. If the attorney's Dustin Cross or Reed Glawe have the award from the condemnation hearings by December 12th, we will have a closed meeting for discussion. Commissioner Cook made a motion to have a closed meeting after the special meeting on December 12, 2005, to discuss condemnation hearings at the event center. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Manager Kumm presented the 2006 budget for discussion. The budget is based on R W Beck's forecast. A rate change was not used in the budget, but it does show that a rate change is needed. We would need approval at the end of the month. Commissioner Cook liked the format and felt the information contained in it was very useful. Jan Sifferath explained the medical and dental insurance policy changes. The dental plan now has a $750 maximum which can be increased to $1,000 maximum at a 2.6% increase, which equates to $1.03 a month more for single and $1.92 a month more for family. The health plan would be a health - preventative change only. We presently have a $250 maximum on preventative care. We would change that to one physical exam covered at 100% and anything over that would be 80/20 split, with the HUC paying 80% and employees paying 20 %. With the change in policy there will be a 16.3% increase. If we left the plan as it is with no change, there would still be a need for an increase of 15.5 %. Union employees would have to vote on this change. If they vote against it, staff would have their own plan. Jan's recommendation is to have two plans: one for staff and one for union employees. The plans would not be hard to administer and this is also Berkley Risk' recommendation. 11 This would not be a change to the union contract, which expires in the summer of 2007, just a policy change. This increase has been factored into the 2006 budget proposal. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to accept Jan Sifferath's recommendation to increase the health plan by 16.3°/x, increase the dental plan by 2.6% and to administer two plans if needed: one for union employees, and one for staff employees in the event that the union votes down the change. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Ackland reported on the committee meeting regarding the contribution to the City of Hutchinson. The recommendation is to provide up to a 5% increase, where 3% of the requested amount will be provided on January 1, 2006, followed by an additional 2% in October 2006. The 2% is contingent upon a formula being put in place in June and also the financial well being of HUC in October. A committee will be assigned by the Commission President to develop a formula to be adopted by June of 2006 at which time it will come to the Commission for approval. Commissioner Ackland made a motion to offer 3% by January 2006; President to appoint committee to adopt a formula and in October of 2006 additional 2 %. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Division Reports: Business — Jan Sifferath Requisition #1568 for $11,994.34 for City of Hutchinson for 2005 Lawn Care Services. This is a once a year bill. Motion made by Vice President Walser to approve Requisition #1568 in the amount of $11,994.34 to City of Hutchinson for Lawn Care Services. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Insurance Planners do not have the renewal policies ready — will be on the December agenda. We received many thank -you cards, notes, pictures from the second graders who received the Halloween treats we presented to their classes in October. Teri Hofineister and Jen Tramp in the Customer Service Department came up with an idea of doing a drawing for turkey if residents of Hutchinson bring in a non - perishable food item for the McLeod County Food Shelf. Will advertise this in the Hutchinson Leader as well as a small note on the December Utility bill. Gas — John Webster Dustin Cross was hoping the award would be in by Thanksgiving from the appeals process. There's a rumored possibility that we might have it by the end of this week. Will contact HUC Commissioners after we meet with the attorneys and the condemnation commissioners. Next week we will be sending out HUC calendars and natural gas safety facts to owners on the pipeline and their public officials. Ryan Ellenson on the gas department has developed a very good credibility relationship with the landowners on the pipeline. Discussion was held regarding the joint Christmas Party on December 16, 2005. The Commissioners agreed to pay employees and guest fees to attend. Concerns were raised regarding the laws on gifts to employees. Commissioner Walser advised this issue was addressed when the recognition banquet commenced. Manager Kumm met with McLeod Coop. It was a fact - finding meeting regarding future annexations. From the initial meeting they were very forthright with information. The election of officers for HUC will be in January. Commissioner Cook reported that City Council will be proposing Commissioner Ackland's replacement as his term will expire in December. Old Business BP Contract expires December 31, 2005. Meeting with BP on December 6 to discuss natural gas prices for generation. Changes to the existing contract are very straightforward, and BP has indicated verbally they are agreeable to the changes. Will come before the board next month. Commissioner Ackland inquired about the payment for Who's Who Director's from last month's payables. Jan Sifferath explained it was for an autobiography of herself and membership into the Manchester Who's Who Directories of Executives and Professionals. HUC opted to not buy the book, but we are members of it. New Business None Vice President Walser made a motion to adjourn at 6:43 pm seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ATTEST _ aig Lenz ent missioner Ackalnd ;secretary 3_5_� ° g o.$ m p�m G �fa m' of �QR _QQ (D 3 ;U m a v 3 vi m Q< 3 to m Q y m m�-� n m m m < a mm 3m N m ppoZ oco mom 4.CD ui ° 40 A 0 j 0 A A W W N V 00 N O W fO 0 [) O V (1 W W W N O 00 m N 0o W V V 000 0 0 o W W,W w o 0 0 fA CA (A fA fA A S r W W (T V N ON>Cro O0! 0 0 O V O W 0 N0 cN0 (b rr Co W O o 0 0 H fA df fA fA W 0 W W .P NW9fON N V N w:, N N � V ONO ODA fO �O(T fA CA fA fH fA (A V A f�O N W 2�A OO W N O QN* O O CA N N ' O 0 ONO V W OO .A N &,,-4, A V 0 0 o O GO V V o ao EA fA fA fA fA OOO AOUO V � <n i0 CO tf0�O V O W A 00O W A A 0 �OOO V (O CO 0 W O WON W o eT°o Eli (A fA fA (A NV O 01 A WW Ou W N VON O1 � pOp (A Oqco b. opN .000 f0O Ui O O O V pp V N 0 W tl10D0 fA fA fA fA fH 00D W CA) N O W A A N O O W tffVnnn .00O 32�a0°. 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EA tf), v o o rnmmeoa e e e 00)00 � 10 p M NON)N �O O 10 N 0 N N m ap 1fD a0 f- a 1 D 1 O n co m c EA 69 69 6% 69 0 0 0 00n 0)MM O tD O) ONOn O O.-1() co V v fV Oi N� OHO 0*o 1Iq N 1ri aD co' (o Co M W N� co N i0 1n It 10 rn e o 0 O�tO o)f710 W O� $ M 1ff Cl) to O Cli N OD In dD h fO e} 1ri V M E9 6% !f) 69 o ee nro M to o) nv� nOn Co X0'7 lo $ n v co 0iCli N m 0 1[j m N n. - -qn�o ch N t0 M f7 It M 6%f9 W9 f961! Cl) u00 O W M N N 00 pp w N $ 10 O w N N td 00 1y0 fV fV N 0 V N (� M N 69 W. E0 to v9 0 0 o N N n M o 0 0 0� [? ui W eor C? O � V � 100 p � M O M 0 N r 0 Lo �: a M 10 '7 6-1 69 6% 69 (9 0 C C m � � N O 5 W R c a m cyE� m y mOf (n Ep v a m CO ED � U c UFiZ8oz OZ O U OZ f �•�O�T E,E�Y�LI1�� MCLEOD COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GLASS: All colored and clear glass bottles and jars can be co- mingled in paper /plastic bags. No dishes, ceramics, pottery, mirrors or window glass. PLASTIC: Place #1 & #2 plastic in plastic /paper bags. No motor oil, pesticide or containers containing hazardous product or resi- due. METALS: Place aluminum and steel food and beverage cans in plastic/ paper bags. No aerosol or pressurized cans. No foil. NEWSPAPER: All newspaper, magazines, catalogs and phone books. May be stacked in blue bin or placed in a plastic /paper bag. BOXES & Place all of the following in a plastic /paper bag: food and PAPER: beverage boxes, gift boxes, shoe boxes, office paper, junk mail, folders, sticky notes, notebooks, card stock, tissue cores, shredded paper, hard & soft cover books, egg car- tons & envelopes. This category also includes cardboard. Cardboard must be reduced to 3' x 3' sheets (or less) to be picked up curbside. Cardboard can be set outside the blue bin as long as it is tied together securely. McLeod County Household Hazardous Waste Facility 1065 5th Avenue SE, Hutchinson 1 (800) 335-0575/(320) 234 -7166 ♦ Latex & Oil Base Paints ♦ Lead -based Paints ♦ Aerosol Cans ♦ Paint Thinner ♦ Household Solvents ♦ Antifreeze ♦ Paint & Varnish Strippers ♦ Glues & Cements Household Cleaners ♦ Oven Cleaners ♦ Wood Preservatives ♦ Weed Killers ours of Oaeration Tuesday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Extended Summer Hours June - August 8am - 8pm on Tuesdays Accepted Material ♦ Rechargeable Batteries ♦ Garden Pesticides ♦ Driveway /Asphalt Sealers Acids ♦ Kerosene & Other Fuels Bases ♦ Rust Inhibitors & Removers ♦ Waxes & Polishes ♦ Caulking & Adhesives ♦ Poisons Materials NOT Accepted ♦ Explosives ♦ Automotive Batteries ♦ Radioactive Material ♦ Pharmaceuticals ♦ Other Compressed Gases ♦ Fluorescent Bulbs & Ballasts (fees apply) ♦ Motor Oil ♦ Oil Filters (fees apply) ♦ Small propane cylinders (fees apply) ♦ Business Wastes (restrictions & fees apply) ♦ Appliances ♦ Tires Product Exchange Consists of usable products brought to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility. A variety of products such as latex paints, stains, adhesives, paint thinner, aerosols, and more are available free of charge to those that can use the product. Products change daily; McLeod County cannot guarantee any or all products or their availability. The product exchange is open the same hours as the Household Hazardous Waste Facility. 1 L� �fA d7 �— C O a o C C inm ca 3 N 4% tm O O O d O O o= In O M o G O O O t0 t x,0.1 C ON U A U O L Z= C O m O 7 Z = =a=.+ u H ^^^ 0000 O m 30 O � L 0)O i, rl rl rl � Ol O r40 C mQ V X000 I� M �M IOA00 Mi. vw- qw- � vv- -W 'v IA r% et qT t0 t0 In y atNle IA OO"I t d'00 O MMM L to O U 401- 1A, 4A7NA74 taN0 �O-I C 00 t0 00 Q1 C M M 4 I�mm M MMM MWtle i& vl� qw- } Mr 0 0 N N E 0) ON7 *+ E rn E cm m N W C ImX R M d 0) U d > co V O L Z= C O m O 7 Z = =a=.+ .� Ol yN O.O L 0 0 L m 30 O � L 0)O a, O a W�Uce000 r40 CUOLVl- 0 0 N N 1 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION CONTRIBUTIONS TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON YEAR ELECTRIC DIVISION GAS DIVISION TOTAL 1942 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 1943 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 1944 $0.00 1945 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 1946 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 1947 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 1948 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 1949 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 1950 $33,888.00 $33,888.00 1951 $50,112.00 $50,112.00 1952 $52,697.50 $52,697.50 1953 $75,348.49 $75,348.49 1954 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 1955 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 1956 $33,999.97 $33,999.97 1957 $66,054.04 $66,054.04 1958 $210.75 $210.75 1959 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION CONTRIBUTIONS TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON YEAR ELECTRIC DIVISION GAS DIVISION TOTAL 1960 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 1961 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 1962 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 1963 $61,325.00 $61,325.00 1964 $64,000.00 $64,000.00 1965 $65,200.00 $65,200.00 1966 $91,164.25 $91,164.25 1967 $100,000.00 $25,000.00 $125,000.00 1968 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 1969 $95,000.00 $35,000.00 $130,000.00 1970 $90,820.00 $49,180.00 $140,000.00 1971 $118,000.00 $32,000.00 $150,000.00 1972 $150,000.00 $50,000.00 $200,000.00 1973 $136,000.00 $64,000.00 $200,000.00 1974 $138,000.00 $62,000.00 $200,000.00 1975 $90,000.00 $110,000.00 $200,000.00 1976 $119,400.00 $80,600.00 $200,000.00 1 L I HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION CONTRIBUTIONS TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON YEAR ELECTRIC DIVISION GAS DIVISION TOTAL 1977 $38,300.00 $161,700.00 $200,000.00 1978 $54,500.00 $150,500.00 $205,000.00 1979 $6,900.00 $203,100.00 $210,000.00 1980 $82,900.00 $167,100.00 $250,000.00 1981 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 1982 $62,500.00 $187,500.00 $250,000.00 1983 $175,000.00 $75,000.00 $250,000.00 1984 $187,500.00 $62,500.00 $250,000.00 1985 $250,000.00 $50,000.00 $300,000.00 1986 $250,000.00 $50,000.00 $300,000.00 1987 $225,000.00 $75,000.00 $300,000.00 1988 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $300,000.00 1989 $326,250.00 $123,750.00 $450,000.00 1990 $330,000.00 $229,000.00 $559,000.00 1991 $330,000.00 $229,000.00 $559,000.00 1992 $375,000.00 $250,000.00 $625,000.00 1993 $390,000.00 $260,000.00 $650,000.00 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION CONTRIBUTIONS TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON YEAR ELECTRIC DIVISION GAS DIVISION TOTAL 1994 $390,000.00 $260,000.00 $650,000.00 1995 $405,000.00 $270,000.00 $675,000.00 1996 $405,000.00 $270,000.00 $675,000.00 1997 $405,000.00 $270,000.00 $675,000.00 1998 $417,000.00 $278,000.00 $695,000.00 1999 (Plus special contribution paid) $579,000.00 $248,000.00 $720,000.00 107.000.00 827,000.00 2000 (Remainder of special contribution) $678,300.00 $290,700.00 $755,000.00 214,000.00 $969,000.00 2001 $560,000.00 $240,000.00 $800,000.00 2002 71/29% $596,400.00 $243,600.00 $840,000.00 2003 (Plus special contribution paid) 70/30% $687,400.00 $294,600.00 $882,000.00 100,000.00 $982,000.00 2004 70/30% $649,180.00 $278,220.00 $927,400.00 2005 70/30% $656,145.00 $281,205.00 $937,350.00 0 J 1 CD m CD 3 m o cn .�+ N Q O Q � 1 0 O (!] CD W N 7 (, CD i� () CL =. 0 :�t. 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