02-23-2005 HUCM Regular Meeting February 23, 2005 Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary David Wetterling; Commissioner Steven Cook; General Manager Michael Kumm; Attorney Marc Sebora President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 26,2005 Regular Meeting. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve Requisition #1020 to Farm-Rite Equipment for the purchase of a skid loader. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve Requisition #1041 to Aspen Equipment for the purchase of a utility box for the natural gas welding truck. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Requisition #1002 to Chicago Tube & Iron was cancelled. The City of Hutchinson purchased the natural gas pipe for the Tartan Park Project. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve Requisition #1045 to Quality Underground Services Inc for work to be performed on moving the natural gas line in Tartan Park. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to close the meeting to discuss litigation proceedings. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was closed at 3:10 p.m. The meeting was reopened at 4:15 p.m. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the Flex Plan Amendment. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the Revised IT Policy. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $3,256,165.00 (detailed listing in payables book). Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the financial statement and budget year to date. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the Minneapolis Consulting Group Contract. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to table writing off delinquent accounts until next month's Commission Meeting. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Cook made a motion to award the 2005-2006 Underground Construction Bid to Jerrick Construction. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to table the APGA Committee Appointment until next month's Commission Meeting. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Division reports were presented. Attorney Sebora gave an update on legal issues. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to adjourn at 5:45 p.m. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. David Wetterling, Secretary ATTEST Craig Lenz, President K, Regular Meeting February 23, 2005 Members present: President Craig Lenz; Vice President Donald Walser; Secretary David Wetterling; Commissioner Steven Cook; General Manager Michael Kumm; Attorney Marc Sebora President Lenz called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Vice President. Walser made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2005 Regular Meeting. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve Requisition #1020 to Farm -Rite Equipment for the purchase of a skid loader. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve Requisition #1041 to Aspen Equipment for the purchase of a utility box for the natural gas welding truck. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Requisition #1002 to Chicago Tube & Iron was cancelled. The City of Hutchinson purchased the natural gas pipe for the Tartan Park Project. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve Requisition #1045 to Quality Underground Services Inc for work to be performed on moving the natural gas line in Tartan Park. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to close the meeting to discuss litigation proceedings. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was closed at 3:10 p.m. The meeting was reopened at 4:15 p.m. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to approve the Flex Plan Amendment. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the Revised IT Policy. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $3,256,165.00 (detailed listing in payables book). Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the financial statement and budget year to date. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to approve the Minneapolis Consulting Group Contract. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to table writing off delinquent accounts until next month's Commission Meeting. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Cook made a motion to award the 2005 -2006 Underground Construction Bid to Jerrick Construction. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice President Walser made a motion to table the APGA Committee Appointment until next month's Commission Meeting. Secretary Wetterling seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Division reports were presented. Attorney Sebora gave an update on legal issues. Secretary Wetterling made a motion to adjourn at 5:45 p.m. Vice President Walser seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. n ATTEST Cr ' Lenz, Presi ent rl ZiM W I-- Q H J U) Z U) TZ i D Z W 2 Lo W of) M M (�IQU) NM W W Z W w N N Y N N J M M w y, a CP c . LL C'L ii a� .Q CL M t0 C F O E a) a� U f6 W y co 017 •L 'NV" a rn c ai 4t o LO 0 Ln *a 00 co Q a) cc M O r w D ++ O � N cr CO 0 w� N y o� v� � Y u m (D o CO M c o a U m Co W m G N U LU Cl C6 O t6 z u1 v W W U Q M N f- m° 3 D v; a (D C) `Y p m a m U J U fC E� as O N O O O NN, r O p O Mo O z ai C O `- o Q a� � 2 a 0 LL 0 I-- U) Cl (Y W M W LO ZvN Z =N��v 0 ZaZcocro U) y2NLnln U) Z =zNN M M 0 C) O X V 2N2aLL ZiM W I-- Q H J U) Z U) TZ i D Z W 2 Lo W of) M M (�IQU) NM W W Z W w N N Y N N J M M w y, a CP c . LL C'L ii a� .Q CL M t0 C F O E a) a� U f6 W y co 017 •L 'NV" a rn c ai 4t o LO 0 Ln *a 00 co Q a) cc M O r w D ++ O � N cr CO 0 w� N y o� v� � Y u m (D o CO M c o a U m Co W m G N U LU Cl C6 O t6 z u1 v W W U Q M N f- m° 3 D v; a (D C) `Y p m a m U J U fC E� as CO) N LM m X ') U � F- a (0, U U) M H ai ai cu w (6 (0 0 0 W a o °0 O CL CL �' Q 0 O O — O O NN, N p Mo ai `- o a CO) N LM m X ') U � F- a (0, U U) M H ai ai cu w (6 (0 0 0 W a o °0 O CL CL �' Q r 0 r 0 0 O z c 0 6 a� O LL Z ``O ,r V/ D W w Z 0 G O v U) W H r Z O U) Z LO w Lf) H LO H ~ Z v N Z a Z y�NL9 U? Z = Z N N = UU = M M 2 N 2 a I F- L U) Z Q CL o ON N V w �QZ W LO ��Zi a�0�°�' m P 00 00 W ZC) 04 J C) rn d o 0 c N r O 0 N Q C m d w L Q CL U) O jp O O M M O r M L d U W w 4) O 0 O .L M CL CO � M �k O LO O LO O k O Q O M CD O r ea 0 0 0 N r8 M O O LO -0 o CD ' U N o U-0 > N N — U U �0 O 3: Q aO °oar H m N G W Q) c O g 0 z E c ' w =s w @ a, cn N U E a a> c U w C U J C CY Er 2 LO O LO LO BOO O O N M N N N X L oU H � U f4 O. O CO U) F- LO O N p N N cm O m CL 03 0 C m O 0 > 3 O m a af Q 0 Z O v♦ D w w 0 U U) LL_W r H D 0 U) FE V T� i O O �o 0 O 00 000 `1 E O O � M h N M N 0 T f6 0 O z L d °- v c O ca W d o N °- m d � � .E M it O co O O It O O N LO M v M _W H L a00 Zm� N v V)S,N ZZZ ' Q 0 NS2 NL9L9 wo Z = Z N N co = U = Mch mN U U 0: o H- I- c O X 2N2aii 3 CD U) F- U .2- O Z Y _ m CL W m U v co c �o 0 Cl) ti �m E p T Z c m� �� w tm N O 0 z a; CZ C M r N O W �— Q W poN Lu 44 U ZUQNN 0 m J N J �, . i o t0 Q H c CO C'1 cv) a. LL � a L CL a � O O O 000 `1 O � � r h N M N 0 0 f6 IL (D N DI cu X �p U F- N U — f6 a O U) [n F- N N c .a (0 t6 0 0 m v T m c c 0 8 Z > O m a w Q