04-15-2004 LIBMThe APB 15, IXA mee6n g of the Pfarreerfand tbrdry System Hoard was called In order at 7.30 pm at to t,ult mn Cf�urclr rnenM room in 1�lutchinscn by Chair John Baker. A grrorum was announced. There ware rnodifrgtrons to #tra ace Garrison Na!e me edg . VA4. to V.C. AppoirrfTnenI of Negot'i260 f Cornm[t6ee ellemates. garrison Hale �+otioned b approve the ar. Gar7d agenda. Second by Er {c rdeiberg. Carried. Vern Silwernafe motioned to approve the March 18, 2004 minutes, Second by tvey Yonderftarr, Carried, F=ric Wekq presented far the Finance Cotrirrridae. Wetberg MotbRenf to aPpreve the Wrcb 20x4 rmanciat report Second by Data Reigsta . a ve t V2003 rg rrlab rig approve the bills and check registers. Second by .felt Lopez. Carried. Welber rnatforred to approve 1`beUQ3 audit Second by Garrison ffafe. Carrrfed, g fwey Vonderharr presenled tar the Personnel COrnrnirtee. Von derharr motioned to approve tyre new hire of CaroJ ChC -5far Madison, Second by Al Cause, Carried, n# rr up Halepresented for the h rjati n Comra'iMee- Rafe motion to appoint Al Clouse a$ an aftemate and Kathy Matson to bank up Cirector hlauiaharr, Second by vcrri &jverrrate Carried. ThM was na ofd business. There was n0 new buslnesS. .fohn HoWahan grew led the Dhcw5 reWt v ming 82 to our 7' Anauat Award sponsor ed the evert i as Wdl as tl�e city of Huf�chinson and the Hutehinsua Ub lfJgfl E an d thouit;Y the oar rbra e s th ai having (eI"rinfal years as welf 8s buffdfng or remWefing recenffy or in #re n Mm Tfrese am 4lrif ar, �iufcitin5arr litchtie!d and Dfenaae. The erector reco9n¢ed the sirs staff members v�fh 1� years Ot PLS. They are Ann e l= !!efaon at f}a��on, Joia ,#atinson at Hector, Carolyn videra a# DrtonviJle, fla �pAart at Lake t_ilJian ymond, Deb 1*+ at the Service Cen tr*; and Ma rion Nordin ai 4�Itmar. Tha fnrmf rneefing suss canckded and turn ed over to Jvey Vonaierharr for the awards pmffon of the rnef iVnR, sY Schuette Secretary