01-26-2004 LIBMSubject: Library Minutes Date: Mon, 26 Ian 2004 21:07- 3 3 -06[1 From: "Newton Potter" <rnevA� hutchtd_net> To: "Many Henke" <rnaryhutclinson.hb_mn,us> minutes Hutchinson Public Library January 26, 2004 Members present: Connie Lambet Larry Lad d. Newt Potter, #nary Henke, Librarian Members absent. Kay Johnson, Kay Peterson, Julie Jenson, Join Hassenger The rnesti ng was Iled to order by president Donnie Lambert_ The minutes of the November 17 meeting were reviewed and approved. R e ports Pioneer Land - John Sandberg reporti ng New officers for the coming Year have been elected. Office space has been leased through year 2011 _ A work shop was held on shop and labor management_ Pioneer Land is in the process of upgrading computers_ At the next mewling Jack vhfl explain the Pioneer Land fnancial siituat}on Meetiing of county cc m m issia ners and Librarians. Meetfng was held Dec. 16 at the Hutchinson Library, Each of the county librarians gave a report of library activities. Old business Restofation update A. Hea4rig, vantilabng, and air conditioning is almost complete_ Cast $54.000 6_ Discussion about repladng entry lights to match the rest of t" library decor. Price of lights from Quade's seems to be excess +e. Will continue to search for other suppliers_ New corputers Five of eight new ccrn puters are installed_ Discussion about how to Inform public about Pew computers 100th Anniversary of Library - June 22, 2504 Work is progressing. New Business Pioneer Lanai Awards ISanquet, Thursday Apdi 15. A motion was made by L.Ladd and seconded by N_ Dotter to host the banquet. Motion passed, The racquet will be hold at the Peace Center_ Mary and Donnie will work on afrangemerrL Newt will ptovid8 same door prizes_ EMer#ainment will be provided. Legislative Day - Thijrsday, Feb_ fit_ Mary Is planning to attend_ If anyone else would like to go, contact Mary. Entry and lobby floor mats. Looked at sortie samples of mats_ Cost $280_ Mary wilt take care of the purchase. Next rnectirig. February 23 - 4;38 Meeting adjourned - 5:33 Newt Patter. Secretary 127104 7L32 AM ca �