09-18-2003 PLIBM1V. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEm r GFk'J UAL PROCF. DINGS 1>RYMS OF THE BOARD METING TJhursday, September I8„ 2003 at 7:30 P.NL Pursuant to due call and notice there of, a regular meeting ufthe Noneerland Library System ward called to order at 7:30 P.m. by Chair Jahn Baker art Thursday. September, 19, 2003 in tho Willmar Public Library Buiiding Multipurpose Roorn, Willmar, MN. Roil can was taken and the Chair announced a quorum was present, Chair Baker opened the rneetine. Chair baker requested approval of the agenda sLi bject to add itionsldeJetiar,�: Board anembtrs requested the fallowing additicros; 1) V. Cornrnitta} Reports: D. personnel Committee 2) Fay Day Schedule', 3) Library Director's Salary; 4) FL5 Board Attendance (three meetings) Unexcused Absences, and fX, Other: Policy Committee Resign adon/AppointmenL 1Reekdahl motiartOd aoproVal of the agenda as presented with amended additions, seconded ky G. Johnson. Motion carried. Board member G. Jahn son moved for the approval of the August 2F, 2D03 manures, seconded by Lopez, Motion carried. Chair Baker moved ro committee reports, Finance Commirtee Treasurer Clrtuse presented fur the Ffoance Committee. Madan by Clouse to accept the August 2003 Financial Report, seconded by G. Johnson. Motion carried. CJnLLse moved to ac❑ept the Biiis and Check Registers as presentei seconded by Weiberg, Mat ion carried. Clouse motioned appraval with sienarures for a Regional Li!: ar Syscern Support Funds Report for FY 2003, seconded by Berg- Perry. Motion carriecL fr-a. urer Clouse mentioned a potential contract with Prairie CorrcutionaI Facility of Appleton, Minncsata for add it ion al support services from Picoeerland Library System, no action repaired at this time- Chair Baker reviewed with the board the recent acti vities of the PLS Executive Committee_ 13aker informed the board that the executive corntnittee rn et and appointed the following PLS Board rnernbers to Serve as the next " Ne2otiadans CommitteC for the 2004 - 200 agreement process: Dan Reigstad, City of Willmar; Paul Stetzepfandf, Renville County, Vern ce er wn. City of Rawson; Garrison Hale, City of Madison, and the PLS Library Director as a member and resource person. Chair Baker went orp to present a recommendation for the Labor Management Committee. A motion was made by Berg - Perry to appoint the Ntowing PLS Board members to serve on the "Labor lwlanagerricrn Committee ". Al Cruse, City Representative, Amy Wilde, County 1epresen tali ve; Vacant, to be CiIW by a Negotiating Committee Member otter than the Lead Negcdator; PLS Library Director; with alternates of Herb Rotunda, City Representative and Jeff Lopm County Representative, seconded by Reigstad. Motion carried Chair Baker informed the board on the Delivery Grant Agreement in an amount of approximately S3 0,t X Director Houlahan. rnenti -oned that the Pact 4 and LSTA Grants had dhc C'hair's signature and were submitted. Committee Chair Baker moved to the patiev cam mittee wa7L'To draft proposed policies were presented and considered. The board offered suggestions on various policies including "Working Capital" along witb who controls the funds. motion S made by Reigstad to adopt a policy on "Operating Working Capital ", seconded by G. Johnson. Motion carried. Baker Gwent on and presented a policy on fines whim in rpvrated the present rate structure into the new board policy format with no other changes, Vonderh arr moved adoption Dfthe policy on "Loan Periods and Ffiles'', seconded by Clouse. Motion carried_ Chair Baker moved to the ]Personnel Committee. Personnel Chair Vonderharr presented on several issues_ Vondcz-harr rnoved to approve the appvintmem ofJessica Paulsen to the Hutchinson Library effective to 08- 2803, s=onded by Registad_ Motion carried, Chair Vanderharr moved on ra a policy An pay date -s tar Mrt -union ernployeax [note, uniw empJoyec pay dates are estabiishLd in their labor $gTLementj. A discussion followed with consideration of monthly, sour i- manthly and bi- weekly pay dates. Upon a ntorian by Von dorharr to adopt a poJiq "Pay Dates" with an effective date of January 1, 2004 [note, pay dates wilt be bi- weekly (every two weeks)], seconded by Reigstad, Motion carried, n C Vonderharr moved to PLS Board "Attendance" and reviewed James Larson of Ortan,,ine, MN attendattoe. She statfd he has had three consecutive unexcused absences and a letter would be forth coming Chair Von derharr moved to the issue of the PLS's Library Direew'ssalary establishment for 2003. She noted it was not included in the motion from the Aujgust 28, M03 board meeting that effected non - urban employees'. She went an to distribute a salary Survey matrix titled "Regional DirWors' Wages 919103 "based on the ih i m ba Regional Library D irectors' salaries for 2003. She also di scussed information do the history of PLS's Director salarylbericlFts since 200Q. Board member discussion ensued on the "how and why's" The P1.5 Board Secretary Hsle offered rninuzes from prior meetings (previous Years) a cwlg with supple-mm1al infonrialion related to the approved pay schedule and the current dir=W's benefit contributions. Board member concerns included, pay equity, affordability, competivetiveness, futures and benefits. Personnel Chair Vondcrharr reminded the board members that it had been Djorklund Compensation twonsrilting'S recommendation at the time of their study, to Place the library director at pay ran 17 step 10. Library Director Houlahan offered and the board accepted a lower step and a variation from the apg proved 17 ep 10. i Library ar employer paid bent(is contribution amounQ at the time. This affected the yeat�s' of 2001 and 2x02. Vonderharr went on to state that the variation front the consultant's roommendativn ended at the close of FY 2002. The personnel committee believed it was appropriate to Plane all ernp]ayc`cs of the PLS Library system on the applicable intervaVstep and to cam= equality of benefits. A motion was made by Vcmdizrharr W establish the PLS Library Ditertor's Pay and l3anefots as follows: Pap Range 17 Step ] U plus a base increase of U2 percent (note, the sairne as all other non - Gluon employees based on the PLS Board meeting actions of August 28, 2003) with alI other benefits in compliance with PLS Board's Personnel Policy 1602 "Benefits for ble]n -Union Employees" (recently am endod at the Atigust 2$, 2003 board meeting) effective to January i', 2003, seconded by Hale. Motion carried with 1 -nay vote. PL S ward Chair Baker and Pty5onnel Chair V'vnderh uT discussed a need to c:ansider the use of "accurred vacation time"_ -They reviewed with the board a letter received by PLS frarn A.F.S.C.M.E. l++N Council 65 Local Union No- 182 6 Judie Sleets, Staff Representative dated September 17, 20U3 cvnceming utilization of RmTued vacation time_ The Ietter addressLd the "hardship and "budget" problems that would be created for the h`braries_ Ivey Vondurharr went on to expla in th at the non -tor ion employees had until January I ", 2005 to utilize their vacation hauxn in excess of the new board standards (note, establ fished in thin amcnaed board policy 1103 for vacation aexxual adopted at the August 28, 2403 meeting), They explained that there were head librarians with over 2GO ho= of accrued vacation that would be unable to staff their Iibraries and use dleir vacation time by January (", 2004_ Since the new union agreement required a cutoff= date of January I", 2004 the `how to's "'Here looked at with options. The board members consulted with 2003 Lead Negotiator Ueland and rased on the discussion it was rerornmended to utilize a "lvicrnomndum of Understan ding''. A motion was made: by Hale to auth prize a "Mernorandurn of Understanding on Vacation Accruals PuiicY' betwun the Pioriet•riand Library System and A.F.S_C.M.E. Mlri Council 65 Locai Union No, 1826 effective to January 1, 2003 through December 3 1,20W (that follows the new board policy 1103 on vacation accruals for non- union employees), seconded by Reigstad. Motion carried. Chair Baker moved on to Old Business and New Husiness_ There being none, moved on_ Director Houlahan's Report of the Directurreferencad information on le] ccorrimunicatfons and related grants. John Houlahan distributed a sample on how the telecommunication grant worked and she }wed the affvc of the grant. He went on to explain how technology changed from 1447 when tclephones wk.•re used to the first 14.4 rnp dial -ups transitioning to 28.8 rnp dial -up modems. Later the conversion over to T -1 Lines and partial T -i lines and today Digital Subscribnr Lines. Beard members inquired as to service availability through out Pioneerland and related casts. Director Houlahm followed the presentation %nth an invitation, for Jeanne Demers "automatism- consultant to appear at the Getuber 16, 2003 board meeting. Demar's job will be to fully educate the PLS Libmry Board on what iss happening in the world of "Request for Proposals- on future library automation systems_ It was noted, that a similar presentation has already been made to the head Iibradans and it was Felt that the whole Iibrary board should be included on this complex issue. Chair Baker werit to Other Business, Baker informed the board that there would be an upuming our the pel icy committee. Amy Wilde of Meeker County requested to be repiacrd due to her new duties on the Labor Management Committee. kin Baker refreshed the board an the Policy cor"mirtee appointment process. It was the executive committee's goal to achieve balance throughout the PLS system and that a Meeker County rCpresentative would be appropriate to fill the propusr-d vacancy. A m06a an was made by Hale to arumpt W[Ide's (Meeker County Rgresentativc) resignation from tea Policy Committee and to appoint Parn Dille of L itch-Eel d (Meeker County Represerfttive) to the Policy Cam mit m efferiivt immediately, seconded by Clouse. Matian carried Chair Baker asked the board if there was any Further business_ There being �,one , remitzded the board that the next meeting would be hefdThursday, October 16, 2003 at 7.30 p m,aad then r+quested adjoruninent. A motion was made by VonderharrtoAdjourn at 8,42 p-m_, sewn ded byReigstacl_ Motiom carried Garrison Hale Secretary